

Utica, MI

United States

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About Me:
When I was 11 years old, on the ride home from Camp Concordia, my dad told me he thought I should take guitar lessons. I wanted to play the Uke like my Grandpa Deater (he played lots of instruments but that was my favorite).
Well, I agreed to the lessons, 7 in all before we had to leave our home town to follow my dads calling to become a minister.
The guitar has been my constant friend, a gift my dad inspired and has supported all these years. I've played in churches, coffee houses and bars, solo and in bands but most importantly in my home and the homes of friends hopefully inspiring others the way my dad did me.

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  • Raelein MB Haley

    Whozzo: Thanks for accepting the friendship request. I have missed you, and talking about guitars. Right now my son has my electric Ibanez and Amp, and won't bring them back. Last time I lend him any equipment!

    It's good to see you here. I hope you are doing well. Take care and best wishes! -Raelein
  • Raelein MB Haley

    Whozzo: Thanks for the comment. It's always so nice to talk with you. Well, you are right, I think. I'm not going to see that Ibanez until I go and get it. Once burned is enough for me. I can't even play, but by golly, I bought and paid for that beauty, and am thinking of starting lessons again. I want my guitar and amp back, and I don't care if it is my son. I should have known. Thanks for your good words. I've missed you! :) I hope you're doing well. I know you're playing well. I'd love to be able to play. They say you're nenevr too old to learn! Do you think that's true?
  • Raelein MB Haley

    Just watched the video - *really* enjoyed it. You're good! Not that I ever doubted it. I like your voice. Wish I could play like you do - you make it look so easy.
    I'm glad you sent the "click here" link, because the other didn't work.
    Did you recently cut your hair, or grow it? :)
    I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to see and hear you play. I hope there will be more in the future, Whozzo. It says on the side there that you need to play all night!!! That's just about right!!!
    Thanks! Hugs, -Raelein
  • Caroline Gutierrez Abreu

    Woot! Thanks for the rockin' nurse, and the add. :-)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    This will have to do for now. I'm exhausted!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Where are you? Why can't I ever find you? What are you doing? Are you on face pea and I have to go there? Why is it so hard to find my friends here? Where have you been? Are you alright? Do you miss TBD1? have you started a group? Can you guess what I've been up to ? Will you have a nice weekend? Are you ready to sent the men in white coats for me now? Why am I so bored here? Would you like a beer?

    Am I annoying you! Why not?
  • Maximus

    I don't know...yet..what music you play, but have you seen the lead from Back Door Slam. This guy jams and is only 21!



  • candelariadelsol

    I am honored Whozzo..yeess!
  • candelariadelsol

    Whozzo...amazing music of yours..do you mind if I use that lovely song "Stories we could tell" in the opening of my pictures album???..
    luv u
  • candelariadelsol

    Fantastic..I love the idea..of the music and my pics..!! thanks Whoozo..an affair with you..must be wonderful to wake up with a guitarist in my side..hahahahahahaha!!
  • KarateDad

    Thanks for the invite, but schedule confilicts stopped me. Will there another date in August?
  • jeff widdicombe

    Nice little set up (studio) you have there, was listening to some of your material and thought how fun it would be to get a big jam session going. I would like to set in. I guess being several hundred miles away kind of puts a kink in that idea. Anyway you got style.
  • KarateDad

    Thanks Whozzo for the update.
    Any particulat protests on the front burner?
  • KarateDad

    Sory I missed the rally, but I was only three blocks south of the Gallery, in my Karate class reivew priot to our test scheduled for the coming Sumday at the Almont Middle School.
    Where there any signs?/ Hopefully only with encouraging words.

    Inner Peace to you, man of music and song.

  • Ladyg

    Good Morning you, thanks for coming to the party last night you were a mess and a lot of fun. I can't wait until the next time.

  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

  • Chez moi

    Welcome to All Drift, Whozzo!
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg


  • SeaRain

    oh, golly, gee, i'm speechless
  • Ladyg

  • Judy Wright

  • jan

    Myspace Comments
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

  • Judy Wright

    Hey Whozzo, I hope you have an awesome day ♥

    Myspace Graphics

  • Samaa Sax

    Simple Friends vs. Real Friends
    A simple friend has never seen you cry.
    A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

    A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
    A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.

    A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
    A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

    A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
    A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

    A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
    A real friend could blackmail you with it.

    A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
    A real friend expects to always be there for you!

  • Ivy Doolittle

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

  • Chez moi

    Happy Birthday, Whozzo!!!

  • Ladyg

    Happy Birthday my dear friend, I missed you at my birthday party last Saturday. I could have us another man at the party to spice things up. LOL..........you have a great day now.

  • J Lee S

    Happy Birthday Jack!! Hope it's a Great One!
  • Callipyge


    Happy Birthday Whozzo. And hope you have many more.
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    This required abandoning the idea that there is a universal quantity called time that all clocks measure. Instead, everyone would have his own personal time. The clocks of two people would agree if they were at rest with respect to each other but not if they were moving. This has been confirmed by a number of experiments, including one in which an extremely accurate timepiece was flown around the world and then compared with one that had stayed in place. If you wanted to live longer, you could keep flying to the east so the speed of the plane added to the earth’s rotation. However, the tiny fraction of a second you gained would be more than offset by airline meals.
    by Stephen Hawking

  • Callipyge

  • Ladyg

  • Ivy Doolittle

  • Chez moi

  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

  • KarateDad

    Hi Whozzo,
    Been gone for a while for various reasons, (hard drive self destruct, could mot locate the ning site, home activities, and nothing else needs to be said. What is on the music schedule? Will you be visiting the Starkweather?
    Hope so, music is always a welcome interruption of life's daily change.
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

  • Slayer Dug


  • Ladyg