Hondo Murray


Omaha, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Hi, Welcome to my page, thanks for stopping by

What would you like to know? I'd be happy to answer any of your questions, just ask.

Until then... This might help to give you some idea of what kind of a person I am...

I was born and raised in Omaha NE, but live about 15 minutes northeast, across the Missouri River in a small town in Iowa. I am the youngest of 4 kids (Ron "R.I.P.", Jeff and Kim). I'm an artist (You can see some examples of my work in my Photo Album section). I'm also happily married (well, most of the time anyway. lol) and I have 5 kids (3 still living at home).

ATTENTION: Don't worry ladies...I'm not a player, and I'm ONLY looking for "friendship" ...Oh and in case you're wondering... My wife (Jodi) doesn't mind my having friends of the opposite sex. I've always felt more comfortable talking to women then men (because women aren't uncomfortable talking about...well, just about anything; where as most guys aren't comfortable talking about anything deeper than the bottom of a can of beer). She's not the jealous type either. So, you can relax...

Don't be afraid to say hello.

"About Me:" continued...

I'm an honest (if I wasn't I wouldn't have told you about my wife, would I?) and warm loving person who likes to laugh and have fun and enjoys a good conversation. I love all kinds of music (but I've been accused of being "stuck in the 70's" lol ...curious, just ask. I also enjoy reading (books & comics), and watching TV and movies (too many to list here, just ask).

I value friendships and I'm hoping to make some new friends here. Unfortunately...

I believe that people are so afraid of being taken advantage of that it often boarders on them being paranoid. Don't get me wrong... I don't blame anyone for being cautious...There's a lot of scary people out there, and it's better to be safe than sorry, but I also think that a little common sense can go a long ways toward protecting you from those kind of strangers, and that there are just as many (if not more) genuine, decent, kind and loving people (like me) out there who just want the same thing that we all want...friendship and companionship. We all want to know people who can relate to us and understand where we are coming from.

I have always enjoyed meeting people and making new friends.

My mother taught me to view strangers as friends we just haven't met yet.

I know that might sound pretty naive to some of you, but I'm not suggesting that you leave your doors unlocked and just invite anyone to stay the night. It's good to be cautious and make wise decisions, but we shouldn't be too quick to dismiss a person or as the saying goes...to judge a book by it's cover. Consider this...

We've all been in the position of being the stranger at one time or another in our lives, and we hope that people will accept us and give us a chance to prove ourselves when we first meet them. I mean, where would we all be if our parents didn't make the effort to trust each other? They were once strangers too.

Anyway, I didn't mean to get on a soap box there. lol I enjoy using the Internet, but I've also noticed that it's really hard to get to know someone online; because of people's fears. I think that we become victims when we allow our fears to keep us hostage and prevent us from opening up.

So, please don't be afraid... You just might end up missing out on a great opportunity to meet someone really nice.

Send me a message and say hello.

NOTE: I don't stop by TBD that much anymore, but I am also on Facebook and MySpace. You can view my MySpace page without having to be one of my friends (I think you'd need for me to add you on Facebook first)...


I hope you like what you see/read.

Looking forward to meeting you.


Comment Wall:

  • Darkhairblueeyes

    Hi Hondo... I am still getting used to this site...this is so much different than the old TBD...and I still dont know how some things work here...
    and how are things going for you? Better I hope. Susie.
  • Darkhairblueeyes

    Hey Hondo...you said you live across the river from Omaha...by any chance do you live in Council Bluffs?...My mother used to live there in the early 70's.
  • Darkhairblueeyes

    No I didnt live with my mom when she lived in Council Bluffs...my father raised me. My mother was married to someone else then...she was divorced from my dad...
  • Letha Robinson

    Hi Hondo,

    Thanks for your message. I wanted to add you as a friend, because I like your smile. I love to see people smile. That means, they will make good friends. Because you seem like a happy person. You, see, I love to smile and laugh. Thanks for trying to find me that rose you mentioned to add to my collection. Take care.
    And God bless.

  • Andrew Tait

    Hi Hondo,

    I am a first name person but thanks for asking. Get to me and we'll talk but know I am extremely busy these days but I do look forward to speaking with you.


  • annangel

    thank you , i never juge a book by its cver , nice to meet you talk to you soon , ann
  • Billy Bones

    Hey Hondo,
    f Bill works for you, its alright by me.

    Glad the techinque worked for you.. does wonders for me... not that I'm homicidal or anything... but just the thought of it all makes me laugh. I'm in retail, so envisioning that customer(s) that got under my skin in that crystal clear water... brings a smile to my face. Wanna meet the shmuck who convinced the consumers "that the customer is always right!" Funny thing though... in all the years I've been in the business I've yet to hear a guy resort to that quote in order to win an arguement... always the fems... does that surprise you? haha A fem wrong? Never I tell ya!

    Anyhow, just wanted to thank you for adding me as a friend. Will be keeping in touch... share some jokes dude... love a good laugh... great medicine for the soul. Read a quote that said: "Don't take to life to seriously cause you can't come out of it alive!" Live, Love, Laugh!

  • Letha Robinson

    Thank you, my friend. You are really a sincere, caring friend that knows that friendship should be, and also what friendship is all about.
    I'm glad you reposted my message. I'm glad you are one of my friends.
    God bless........Letha
  • Dakota Blue

    Hey Hondo- thanks for the vite. Read ur comment in love also. Love how u n ur wife love eachother! And glad to have a friend, as I can c by ur bio, that can write long one's like me. Wanted to give a shout out to B-Bones below. Love & laughter, takin it lite, the way to go! Am sincere, but was like, "dude...dunno if Im great with keepin up n touch (wkg on iPh as comp now/still apps complications) & can only access front page areas, not discussions, till gets resolved So...do my best!! Catch ya on da flipside H, Lol.! :) Kt
  • Samaa Sax

    Hi Hondo.. great meeting you.. I love every word speaking about your wife..
    I love seeing great love stories that keeps growing..
    thanks for sharing..
    I already posted the same comment within the group..
    and I want to share it with you..
    Thanks to every answer, and what a great topic to hear what others have to say..
    I always believed in the “Golden Rules” in any relationship between two individuals..
    When it comes to love: we meet or interact with this someone who make us feel this great feelings in the heart, and all the way to the bones..
    And love will go through same stages like delivery, birth to the first degree, which is: you love to see them more..then, you communicate and you start liking things about this person, and wonder about other things that you don’t know or understand..
    The more you know this special person, the more you feel safe, and you observe with YOUR eyes, and not through others..
    For example: when we love someone we face different new aspects that we will analyze so we understand more, accept, then love it..and that for one reason: when we meet this special person, we are not only dealing with an isolated creature.. we deal with their past, childhood, culture, race, and maybe different life style than us
    And I always see my love equal to respect, acceptance, peace, and that is the key towards healthy way to communicate without feeling that you are being attacked..
    In addition, you may have some clashes, but with more understanding and appreciation for many other great qualities that this person is offering, you will speed and reach your comfort place in this person life.
    Friendship is one of the strongest corner stone that we can lean on when crises arises..
    Yet, compromise help both of us overcome the differences in each other.
    I want to write more about this topic, but for now I need to say: I am in love because this great person is bringing the best out of me, and that applies to me as well..

    BTW, on FaceBook, you will find me:
    Danial N Samaa
    my husband and I share the same account...
  • Angel Austin

    George Bailey, Well that is a first I always watch all the Holiday Classic movies. My favorites White Christmas , Holiday Inn... Wishing you a Happy 2010...

  • Angel Austin

    Mr. Hondo Murray , I have tried a couple of times by phone just to say Hello and talk a few minutes with you. I am going to very busy in the coming weeks so i hope to hear from you. Just drop me an e- mail I will get back in touch..

  • deba carr

    Hi i am on fb look me up and you will see what i look like. i would like to add you as a friend if you would like thanks for your comment.
  • Mother Sanity (JackieRodzinski)

    Thank you for the honor of your friendship!
  • belle054

    Thanks for the invite Hondo!
  • Lily Roth

    Thank you for inviting me! It's a pleasure!
  • Lin Frey

    thanks for the add, have fun on TBD...
  • Ladyg

  • Laura

    Hello neighbor! I did read your profile and your blog...I just wanted to let you know that I didn't ignore you :-) I don't have much time right now to respond, but I will soon. Thank you for the opportunity to read your thoughts.
  • Ladyg


    So sorry not to get back sooner, shit happens you know? How are you?