Angel Austin


Philadelphia, PA

United States

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About Me:
II am a Former Account Executive and now Internet Business Owner of a Paranormal Service. I recently got my Doctorate. I also have many interests. I enjoy many types of music and Old Hollywood Movies. I have Two Adult children and they are assets to society. I enjoy reading, cooking and gardening. I like the beach and sun bathing and tea parties . I traveled all over the world and like to visit exotic places and met many famous people and still enjoy just ordinary people who have extraordinary talent's and gift's.

Taking time to smell the roses and listen to the bird's sing and watch the sun come up or set is very relaxing adds so much more to completing my world with peace . harmony and balance.

Being Famous is not something some seek out sometimes it seeks you out. My career has made me much more alert and aware to my responsibilities to the people. I have founded charities to help people and heal the world. From feeding people to housing people we must each do some kind deed to improve the quality of life for the fellow human being.
God is love and love is a single act of kindness and unconditional love it knows no reasons or rimes. Join me in making a difference by doing something kind each day you will feel a high no drug can ever give a fulfillment that only comes from inner happiness and spreading happiness to others.

The Future is a mystery that is inviting and mysterious ...

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  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!