The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!
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  • steve

    Funny Thanksgiving Turkey Cartoons

  • Aggie

  • Grammie Sue

    Hello I just want to wish you all a wonderful and happy Merry Christmas, or day if you don't celebrate Christmas.  

  • Aggie

    Welcome back Grammie Sue!





  • Aggie

    I call it Single Awareness Day.

  • Snagg

    Actually "Singles Awareness day" is the day AFTER "VD".

  • Aggie

    I will start early on Friday the 13th.

  • Aggie

    I am keeping the lights on!

  • Thomas Cunningham

    Hello I used to have the handle of Dodad on the old TBD. I am a 71 year old widower, just marking time not looking for anything other than filling my time as easily as I can. I presently live in Florida, moved from Texas after my wife passed a little over 2 years ago, looking to restart my life, I found its not as easy as all that, when you bring all your old baggage. I love to laugh, and don't mind being laughed at. I looking to break from Facebook to spread my wings.

  • Layla

    I am Layla or LaylaTx if you happen to have been around the internet during Eons lifespan. I was glad to find out recently that Aggie has taken over management of this site. This has given me hope that maybe y'all will come back too. I am not a gourmet cook but I have chosen to try to revive the "Recipes and Cooking" group and I joined a couple of ones that Aggie is posting in as well. Hope to see you there.

  • Aggie

    Welcome back, Layla!

  • Aggie

    Welcome back, Laura!

  • Suzanna mouton

    Hello I’m an old member back after a few years! I can’t figure the new format out. Not user friendly and hard to navigate groups! Y’all help me please

  • Layla

    Welcome Suzanna.

    I too came back after sometime away thanks to new management here. I totally agree that the site needs cleaned up and is really just needs a diet. Lots of the group are dead and have had no activity for years sometimes.

    What I did was find a few that had recent postings to join them. I took one to try and bring life too. This has been mostly unsuccessful as only three people, not counting Aggie who owns the site now, have posted. Now I come around once a week or so or when I get an email notification of some activity. 

  • Aggie

    Welcome back, Suzanna!

  • Karin M Fichtner

    Suzanna, I am an "old" member who has just returned here to see if it's for me. We are sorta in the same boat; I am having difficulty navigating this format. I am former EONS me.ber and current member of Boomerville. Would like to meet some new people and find a group I can check in with daily.
  • flippr 2.0

    I've been here for 6 years ,just joined the welcome lounge


  • Kat Brennan

    Where the hell is the wine bar?

  • Aggie

    I remodeled as beer joint.

  • Chris

    Anyone Here?

  • flippr 2.0

    a couple of us

  • Aggie

    Howdy!, Chris!

  • Barbara Hubbard

    Thank for the add.

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday and welcome back, Barbara!

  • Ramon Parrish

    Good afternoon!
    I have not visited in a while and as I am easing into retirement, I am cleaning things out. Some of you may know me as icemann but I changed my identity about 5 years ago. For those of you who may know me, I have met my now ex-wife on this website. Unfortunately after 9-1/2 years, we have parted company.
    But life is good living in South Carolina now and looking forward to anyone making contact. Thanks.

  • Barbara Hubbard

    Hello how is every body doing today

  • Aggie

    I doing good. Howdy Ramon and Barbara!

  • Barbara Hubbard

    Hi aggie, can you tell me how to post a comment on the friends profile.

  • Aggie

    If member allows comments go to their Comment Wall on their page. Text can type or pasted using clipboard with T icon. To post photo use Mountain icon to paste photo. Or you may just want to send private message.

  • Ramon Parrish

    Good afternoon!
    I have not visited in a while and as I am easing into retirement, I am cleaning things out. Some of you may know me as icemann but I changed my identity about 5 years ago. For those of you who may know me, I have met my now ex-wife on this website. Unfortunately after 9-1/2 years, we have parted company.
    But life is good living in South Carolina now and looking forward to anyone making contact. Thanks.

  • Aggie

    Welcome back, Ramon!

  • Baia

    Tidings of Comfort and Joy to all of my friends at TBD!
    This year has been one of welcome and unwelcome changes, but my family will be getting together at least once to celebrate the return of the light.  Our gentle rains have provided record moisture this month and those who can will be hitting the slopes.  Not me, though.  I will be keeping warm under my cat, binge watching "American Gods" and getting a start on knitting caps for next year's gift giving.  One Green Peace student canvasser is wearing a pink Jacques Cousteau cap fresh from my needles after our annual distribution of gifts to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance inpatients.

  • Aggie

    I am posting this with a heavy heart.
    I love cows and everything that comes with it... but I am officially done in 2020. This is taking up too much of my time. I’m struggling to keep up with the everyday chores of cooking, cleaning and maintaining my home, so something has to give. I have decided to get rid of all my gear.
    Below is a list of what's available. Serious inquiries only, and please don't insult me with low offers.
    Thanks for reading and understanding...
    1. Vacuum cleaner
    2. Dustpan and broom
    3. Mop and bucket
    4. Lawn Mower
    5. Leaf blower
    6. Laundry detergent
    7. Iron
    8. Stove
    9. washer dryer
    Anything helps for more cow supplies.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

  • potterginny

    Hello all,  I was potterginny on the original TBD, then left for FB when it "ended'? I guess I found this site for a few minutes when it started but didn't stick around for some reason. A LOT was going on for me and I must've just left. SORRY! But I'm getting more and more tired of FB and have really been missing the warmth and genuine friendliness I found with TBD. And then low and behold, I clicked on the "networking" tab I found hidden in my laptop bookmarks last night, and here you are!!

    But are you real? I don't see many recent posts! You're exactly what I need these days. I hope I'm not too late. Love, health, and best to all.


  • Baia

    Welcome back, potterginny!  Some of us have found our home groups here and others drop in occasionally.  I hope you find your home here, too!

  • potterginny

    Thank you, Baia, I look forward to reconnecting with many old friends, and making new ones too!

  • Daisy Eleanor Hensley

    I am new to TBD. Just joined yesterday and I like it so far. Do hope to eventually see more activity here but without the drama associated with the bigger social sites.

  • East TX granny

     Hello all, like some of the others I'm new to TBD. This sounds like it would be a fun group, but noticed some of the posts are several years old. I hope things pick up in here. I'm still working so I don't have just a lot of time to be on the computer, but would love to see this group take off again.

  • Aggie

    I will keep the lights on, enjoy your time here.

  • Karin M Fichtner

    I think an infusion of new blood will be just the spark we need to get a fire going. Welcome!
  • East TX granny

    I think your right Karin.  Maybe this group will pick up if the BV members join in.

  • MARYJB Here

    Hello!  I've come back to this site.  It's been a while.  Look forward to seeing some of my old friends that maybe didn't jump to Facebook.  

  • Aggie

    Welcome back, Mary!

  • Aggie

    Welcome back, Wanda!

  • Aggie

    Happy Mother's Day!

  • Cindi

    Hello everyone.  I'm delighted to be a member of this forum.  Guess it will take me sometime in getting use to posting here.  For those who don't know me, both my husband and I are from Wisconsin.  I have 3 adult daughters and one granddaughter who's 21.  I enjoy cooking and baking especially with my husband.  Cooking along with my husband has been quite a learning experience.


  • Aggie

    Howdy and welcome to TBD, Cindi!

  • Wendy

    Hi Cindi - good to have you.