The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!
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  • Kathie

    I'm a previous member coming back after a long hiatus. Started on the original tbd, came here when it went down, then slowly drifted away. A good friend invited me to give it another try, so here I am! Anybody here that knew me when? :-)
  • Wendel

    Hi there Loungers
  • Wendel

    Nothing much, Kooner, just having a lazy day.  How about yourself?
  • Wendel

    I was here before as WendyLynn, left, couldn't stay away and came back.  So who is you?
  • Aggie

    Pru the cow and Pru Jr at two weeks old.
  • J Lee S

    Well Hi there people. See some new/old faces. Super! The Welcome Lounge is supposed to be a place to dip your toes into I guess. It is the place that I started out in at the original TBD and w/ help and input from a few other folks, started here. I had been spending a great deal of time elsewhere out in the web-o-sphere, but am starting to spend more here at TBDNing. Hope everybody is enjoying the experience.

    If at all possible, could the moderators check in so we can see who is still around?

  • CestLaVie

    Glad to find you here and to join your group J Lee S...


    PS: My rather neutral and non-conflictual contribution got me kicked out from a certain other Ning site so I wonder if jumping right away into 'The Battle between Good & Evil' discussion will grant me the required credentials for staying in good terms with the site's administrators ;)

  • CestLaVie

    Hanging out with the wrong crowd seems to have been the reason (I did not get any notification)... lol
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    C'est La Vie! Bonne. Welcome - glad you have re-joined us. Yes. Just being friends with the (vaporized) anarchists will get one  deleted without ceremony, regardless that you were most gracious at all times about all things wet and wild. Alors . . . you are here. We are here. 
  • Snagg

    By the way, "C'est la Vie" is pronounced "Say la Kill Them All", but with AN OUTRAGEOUS FRENCH ACCENT!


    This IS the "Welcome" Lounge, after all. First impressions are important. Nice to have you back, Dazz.

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Thank you Snagg!


  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Welcome Wendel! Permit me to yet again roll out MY red carpet - the other one is being held hostage, fortunately I have two in case the other one got too dirty ;)
  • J Lee S

    No modding going on here, never has been. With Dazz popping in I see all are accounted for though. Her and Cat were very instrumental to creating the Welcome Lounge here and I just wanted to give my thanks again. :)
  • Wendel

    How now, baby cow, one page over.

  • Wendel

    Hi Dazz!


    So am I required to be blissfully happy all the time in here?  Because if so I may need to rethink.

  • Slayer Dug

    Bliss and happiness are options here.......
  • Wendel

    .....I like options.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana


    Wendel ! Hey! Yup. Note the riff above - no where does it say there is an unwritten law whereby every single post has to be chippy, suck up, freaking inspirational, guru cow-tow, mushy, or hugs.  I am giving some thought to Kooner's new "garden" of good and evil  ~ see you there soon!   . . . And J Lee S ~ thank you.

  • funesthememorious

    Diana - did you know that Slayer Dug is here?
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Funes . . . he is???? Where?!? OH NO!!! Run for the hills - more "FAIL" is on the way !!!!  2 Funny U !
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Ahem. Attention all hands! Attention all fingers! Possible incoming - in multiples  . . . remember the law of the sea - all hands on deck to assist those in life boats or floating about in the debris!
  • Wendel

    news travels fast
  • Apposite

    Well here we are again! Guess I should change this avatar unless you don't like looking at an old bearded man!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Apposite - old is a state of mind - not the colour of one's hair! You look GREAT and it's GREAT to have you here with us. (Besides - I'm older than you - so there ;-P !)
  • Snagg

    So....Did MA sink of it's own accord, or did one of you scamps open the valves and drown the joint?
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Snagg, the latest:  And a direct quote via firefox:  "Gone? LOL No Way ...",,, "  from the screen shot if one clicks on the link (which I had bookmarked - and have now deleted). Not at all surprised- couldn't care less - unless some libels me (again)  and I have my implants who will let me know - so no worries.  So good luck MA.  


  • Snagg




  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Kooner, Snagg.  LoL !!! "They" have so many aliases, puppies and kittens and tiny faeries and what not.
  • Susan

    Happy 4th of July to everyone !
  • Aggie

  • Amy

    Good morning everyone!  Time to wake up and come to the party!  If you come, we will have it (the party)
  • Apposite

    We're all here; now somebody start something controversial so we can get back to why we used come here!
  • Apposite

    I'll try to come up with something.
  • Ramon Parrish

    Good afternoon. I am an intermittent visitor here, although I was very active on the old site; in fact, I met my current wife on the site. I enjoy road biking and photography. Today, I needed to ask daddieo a photography question, so I thought I would drop by.

    Does anyone know where Mystical Maria went?  She was an absolute riot!!

  • Snagg

    She's over on FB, along with a bunch of other two-timing rat finks - Me being one of them.
  • Alan Campbell

    What's the FB page? I lost it a long time ago, the page not my sanity... though that is in question as well. The only one I can find hasn't had anything posted to it in a year.
  • Snagg

    FB = Facebook.
  • Alan Campbell

    I understand that. :-) Isn't there a specific page that the old TBDers are going to?
  • Snagg

    Nope. Just look in various TBDer's lists of friend's. You'll find her.
  • Alan Campbell

    Okey dokey... wasn't looking for anyone in particular, just wondered if people had migrated over... there was this page for a bit and I thought maybe another had been created... Thanks.
  • Apposite

    Phil: "Uh, when will the "children" here cease the bullshit, and get down to sharing meaningful thoughts and impressions?"

    A bit strong but added albeit for provocation. It seems that there are a number of us that are war weary but like snf wish for something that at least gets our fingers on the keyboard here (on TBD Nng). I find it interesting that we lament the lack of members and lambast the colorful objections and controversies. Part of the reason is that such people were segmented and segregated so that they all agreed, the politically conservative had their own, the be nice had theirs, the relationship people had theirs etc. Nothing wrong with some of that but when we all agree we are boring. On the other hand to play Tim Elston's voice, we can still host an argument and be polite. However fine that is (and he is a personal friend of mine) when we ostracize the less popular forms of expression, we cut off the very energy of freedom which brings more people. Freedom does bring its own energies. We had this discussion as a last hurrah on MA. What happened is we started pointing fingers and pissed each other off so nobody wanted to play


  • Denise Thomas

    Well HI  friends! Took me YEARS to get back here to Ning... for some reason I could not sign in under my old information. I finally just decided to make it all new. Denise Thomas/ Lady Acappella says hello. I have illness in the family so I will only be off and on for the next few weeks. I've been on FaceBook and I'm reeeeally beginning to hate FB. How is everyone?

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday, Denise!

  • Scott Free

    So, we have until June it seems. I guess the $24.95 a month is the deal breaker.
  • Aggie

    Howdy, Crystal!

  • Kay

    Back again. I once was Queen Saraka and remain so in certain circles.I see familiar faces but I've forgotten how to send friend invites so please send them to me. Since I'm on a public computer I don't know how to add a photo either. Though I've just arrived I've kicked off my shoes, helped myself to a cup of coffee and looked around a bit. Feels like home...ahhhh.

    Hope to see you soon!

  • Aggie

    Howdy, Kay!

  • ellevan

    I was on eons and then thinkbedo and now I have graciously been invited here.  I am a retired nurse, working at a law school part time, not in nursing.  I have three kids ranging in age from 42 down to 23...I live in Virginia, moved here from western NY State between Rochester and Buffalo.  I look forward to getting to know the site and the people here.  Thank you for the welcome!

  • Julia A Knaake

    I was Photogardener on Eons for many many years

    I was Julia a Knaake on think Be Do for a short time

    I am here now

    I write

    I take photos

    I BBQ no matter the weather forecast

  • Aggie

    Howdy, ellenvan I was rh296 on Eons.