The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!
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  • Whiny Old Bastard

    Wait! AND a supermodel to ride shotgun.
  • Goldilocks46

    Good morning, Diana, Bee, Orian!
  • Cat

    Hi Bee! I'm glad you like it here!!! Have a great day! Enjoy that sunshine.
  • Cat


    And the winner is Orianb! Prize? Di, wanna help out here? LOL
  • Tony337

    Just a Simple Poet who likes to share my Poetry with friends

    Sing out with A Dream Sing out with the Spirit
    Sing out With the Song upon the Wind
    Sing out when You are down Sing out with joy as your Heart soars unbound
    Freedom comes from within Soaring beyond the Stars and the Moon
    Peace is a Place to Visit when your heart is soaring to the Dream
    Peace is not far ahead just follow your Dream from your Heart

    Sing out and Feel the Love
    Sing out with the Flame burning Bright
    Sing out and Feel Peace from your Spirit as it Dances
    To the Song of The Wind Beneath the Moon shining Bright
    Capture the Dream and let no one Clip Your Wings

    Precious is the Gift of Love
    Sent from Heavens above
    Pass it around and Share a Smile
    See the Dream Ignite from within
    As you sing out with the Song of the Wind

    (Tony Kenyon 2010)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Orianb! !!!!!!!!! Yeah! Congrats'! I'll be back with prizes! I have to dash out for wine and batteries, the snow cometh to the South!!! Oh and maybe a french stick - that covers the "bread" thing. And olives, and cheese and . . .
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Lovely Friday poem Tony337!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Hi Rich and welcome! Moosey (!) around and dive right in anywhere you feel comfortable!
  • Sedona7

    for my friends here
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    A warm welcome to so many new members!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    And lookie here - our Chez moi is back! Yeah!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

  • J Lee S

    "Friends are like stars... you don't always see them, but you know they're always there."
    ---Hulali Luta

  • Susan

  • Susan

    Where is everyone
  • Goldilocks46

    Good morning, all!

    Good Morning (Click Me)
  • J Lee S

    Just thought I would stop in and say "Hello" to the new members. Hope everybody is finding their way around and enjoying the different groups and wonderful people. Hello and Welcome :-)
  • James Nelson

    Just wanted to say "Hi Y'all!"
  • Sedona7

    Just chillin but stoppin by to say hi ; ) it is my Friday, LOL! Have a great weekend!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

  • Kim

    Hello! Although, I DID investigate and join this site about a year ago, its been awhile and i had to REJOIN as i forgot my username and password! I am 44, divorced, mother of 2 grown children, originally from Pittsburgh but now live in the south! My current career is as a senior caregiver. I say current career because I have only worked a year outside my home and who knows where my creative pursuits may take me....I DO love the old people though but I also love little kids, animals, writing, books/reading, craftss, etc. so who knows what will come up?
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    A warm welcome Kim Keller - nice that you have returned to us! And to all the new members of late - again - welcome to TBD! Hope you are all having a good time and please, feel free to participate !

  • Alan Campbell

    Is it possible to be an old new member? :-) I was fairly active on the original TBD but never made the leap to the Ning site.... until now. Hmmmm.... what goes around comes around. Back to the future. Can't get rid of a bad penny........
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Welcome Alan - we are delighted to have another penny, esp. a familiar one re-join us here on this island we call TBD2! No time like the present to knock about with the rest of the crazy coconuts, many of whom you may remember were just a tad squirrelly /;-D

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    John! How nice - welcome to "welcome" - it's always a pleasure to see the "originals" join us here too !
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

  • Cat

    Happy St. Paddy's Day to you all!
  • Cat

    Good morning TBD . . ready for spring?

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    ;) It's Tuesday, and it's SPRING. Cheer up - chin up - get out there and commit some sort of random act of kindness! It NEVER hurts !
  • Susan

  • Cat

    Hi everyone!
    Susan, it's great to see you. I hope I see you one of these days in here.
  • J Lee S

    Okay everybody FREEZE!!! Slappy McStretchnuts is loose on the premises. If you see this creature proceed with caution! He is capable of wild fits of humour and biting wit. If you see him please report it to Mystical Maria, she has a special cage for him in her dungeon. This has been a public service announcement of The Welcome Lounge. ;-)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Oh oh . . . .
  • Goldilocks46

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana
    Attention members! We are having a discussion about possible changes to TBD ~ please join us, all suggestions and opinions are most welcomed, please click on the link above. Thank you.

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    CyberDoug ~ love the "This Day in History" ! First thing I now come to look for - fascinating! Thank you.
  • Cat

    Great place for the history thread Doug!
    Good morning all, I hope your weekend was a good one. . . I'm still waiting on my grandson to be born. . . he is now late.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    A Happy Father's Day to all the Dads on TBD!
  • d's girl

    Hi, crystalisfree - welcome! Please browse around... Q&A, the Forum, the Welcome Lounge, Games. Maybe some particular groups will strike your fancy. Feel free to jump in anytime & post here & there. We're glad to have you here.
  • mmmwoman

    Hi everyone,

    I just got a July 4th greeting from TBD and was very surprised. I thought for some reason they the site had closed down. So I went into the site and found that it was still operating. I am not sure why I thought this so I am just saying hello to and reintroducing myself after a long absence.

  • Gina Goods

    Hello, I thought this site was closed also, I miss teebeedee! I want to find some of the old gang on here!
  • RayDane

    Hi all. I thought this site was closed also, but d's girl set me straight. So I'm back. After all, who can resist that adorable ear? Everyone deserves a nibble every now and then. :)
  • Aggie

    Have you seen a pink 1958 Volvo tractor?
  • Lyndee44

    My name is Lyndee. I used to be the cook in the old TBD Daily Grind, the original one. I'm just dropping in to see if anyone is hungry? I made some of my homemade chili and corn bread and homemade apple pie. I have them in the back for anyone who is interested.

    I hope everyone has a great day today and a great weekend!

    Hope to see you all next time!

  • Alan Campbell

    Cornbread! Cornbread and beans is my favorite meal.
  • One RealHot

    thx.. that sounds sooo great!.. uuuummmm..
  • d's girl

    Hi, Lyndee - it's great to see you here!
    And yes, Alan & & ORH- that's sounds sooo good! I love cornbread, too!
    The one southern meal that I cook is ham steaks, collard greens, Cuban style black beans & rice, and cornbread. '-)

    Happy Weekend, everyone.
  • Thomas Glenn

    Hello all. Sorry I have been away so long,...but many changes in my life ...and all at once. Whoah!! Stop the world for a minute! (lol) Anyway, I am settled again now. Comfortable...and will NEVER go through the moving thing again...(knock on wood!) Moving is always stressful, but even more so for an old geezer like me...."So, ferry cross the Merzy, 'cause this land's the land I love,..and here I'll stay". (smile)
  • Kennedy Derocher

    see you on the beach !

  • Sandy Man

    Not a real hopping place is it....  Well I guess I will just have to come back more often to stir up a little activity...  I hope all is well with everyone.