Something I'd like to know about you.

I thought it would be fun to ask each other questions about each other.
Anything from whats your favorit hobby to more personal.
If the other person thinks it is to personal just write sorry tp.
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  • dennis

    anyone here from the NE ohio or NW pennsylvania area ???
  • Rita D

    Yeah, Steve, I know...I wondered if anyone would notice.
  • Rita D

    Thank you Steve. I can always count on you to be there for me! lol!
  • Rita D

    One of your many charms, Steve. I appreciate it...and you're just so damn cute!!
  • Doug Smith

    I still can't quite follow this format.
  • Billustrator

    Rita, I too love long weekends on a lake, and try to do it whenever possible. In fact I was thinking about doing that very thin next week.

    Ask away! secrets here!
  • joshua x0

    This could be fun...
  • Geezer

    Ginger - were you ever on Gilligan's Island?
  • LyndaAndLab

    Well, Gregg, you say you're an open book, but actually there seems to be an aura of mystery around you. What's with that? And where does the Modd come from?
  • LyndaAndLab

    Hey, I'm also curious about when we'll get to see Carmen's lovely face?
  • stillgoing

    Under advise of counsel I will answer any query with total prevarication, fabrication and flights of fantasy.
    Thinking of running for public office, how am I doing so far?
  • Jimdb30

    When will carmen post a pic?
  • Rita D

    Steve Coli. nothing happened to my butt. It's exactly where it's suppose to be. The only problem one is touching it!
  • Rita D

    Gregg, I think you are very sexy..
  • Judi

    Hi, I'm shy (lol . . . NOT). Do I know any of you from TBD past?
  • Billustrator

    Rita, it's just a little out of reach, otherwise...
  • MajorS2GroundControl

    Rita D ... I KNOW I've seen your face somewhere.
  • Bob C.

    Back from a long and fun weekend of frivolity... ask away! BTW, kisses to you, Carmen! xo
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hey friends, I don't know if anybody else feels this way. But why aren't we at the other site having fun together until it ends?
  • joshua x0

    I think when the dust settles people will come back. It's tough having both sites going at the same time. I guess we'll find out of it's more about the people or the format.....
  • stillgoing

    Hey Carmen, I've been playing at the old place and have added more new friends there (and here when they arrived) than I had in the last month or two. I think there's a bit more closeness and fear of losing touch with those who you see and appreciate their posts but didn't need to contact one on one.
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    I know your right stillgoing. I just need to get use to this. The format does make a big differance josh. Over at the other site I felt like I was closer to my friends. Well, I'll get use to it. I'm still hoping though.
  • Bob C.

    Hi Lynn -- what do you like to do in private when no one is watching? anyone else?
  • Amanda T. Wills

    Hi everyone- What do you do when no-one understands you?
  • David

    Hi Amanda. I general if I keep on being misunderstood it is because of a communication problem. If you could be more specific maybe everyone could put there heads together and advise, or maybe even figure something out.
    I believe most of us here have dealt with this type of issue at some point in our lives.
    My ears are yours.

  • Lynn Finley

    To answer Bob C's question
    "what do you like to do in private when no one is watching?" if I shared that here it would not be private now would it? LOL although I have had an audience.....
  • Lynn Finley

    I am still visiting the other site, like the format there better than here but I will get use to it after a while.
  • ernest camel

    hi lynn i still visit the other site too it's hard to stay away it feels like a part of me will always be thier
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hi Lynn. Do you have any kids.
    And I think I read that you are a nurse. Do you work in a hospital or Doctors office?
  • Lynn Finley

    Hi Carmen. I do have kids, a son 35 and a daughter 34 and with them 5 grandchildren! Love them all. And yes I am a nurse, I am the director of Nursing Services at an acute care hospital. Had been a ER nurse...before nursing worked aas a medic fr a private ambulance company and ran 911 calls for 7 years. It is where I get my live life to the fullest attitude from as I saw how fragile life is and how easily we can lose it.
  • Lynn Finley

    I agree Ernest...part of me will always be there as well......there is still a campaign to keep it going..those that can afford to committ to a fee per month are pledging to leaving it free for those that can not...maybe, just maybe....
  • Lynn Finley

    Amanda..I go through many days where no one understands me...I seem to dance to a different drummer than most! I just shrug my shoulders and move on and am very joyful when I run into someone that "gets" me. Gave up being invested in what others understand about me long ago
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hey BobC. What do you like to do when nobody is watching?
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Tom. Where can one get a hold of one of your novels?
  • jan live in a small town...did you grow up there? I'm curious since I grew up in a town of 3500 and I think of how we spent our teenage years.
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hi Jan. I moved here when I was about 14 yrs. old.
    Tell then I lived in Aurora Il. Its a pretty big town. Was bored to death when I first moved being a teenager and all. There are times now when I am still bored.
    Living in the country in a small town has its up and downs I guess. But I am happy that I was able to raise my kids here.
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hi Sunny Day. Glad to meet you.
    I understood that the old tbd was closing down because of finance problems.
    They were hoping that they could bring it back with some new businesses but it doesn't look good right now.
    I have a question if you don't mind. What is a vegan lifestyle?
  • Randall Fuhr

    An excellent, creative provocative discussion is sure to ensue.
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    ok Tom. Do you have any kids? How old are you? And what do you like to do for fun?
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hey Pamela!! Welcome to the group.
    If you have any questions just ask away ok.
  • CarlaSue

    I'm a 51 one year old woman. Am I that old??? Don't feel old, don't act old. OK,,, maybe I go to bed earlier. Born and raised in Oregon. Lived in city until 7 years ago. Now out in the country / forest. Loving it!!! Only live about hour from the beach. Oregon coast in wild, strong, almost manly. I love it. Portland is about a hour away heading east.
  • Mike Stidham

  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hey CarlaSue. Do you have any kids?
  • Maximus

    Hi everyone, I'm Max from Maryland.
  • Wayne L. Christensen

    Hello Maximus!
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Well hello Wayne, Maximus, and Mike. Happy to meet you.
    I am Carmen and welcome to our group.
    So if you have any questions for anyone in the group just ask away ok?
  • Wayne L. Christensen

    Carmen, thanks when I come up with a question, or two, I will rapidly write and wait for a reply, but untill if any have questions of me, just ask away.

  • MellyMel666

    I'm going to take a crack at this. I'm 50, 51 in August, married, 3 kids, BBG, 22, 20, 14yo. Enjoying tending to a sunburn onn the 8th floor of a condo in North Myrtle Beach SC
  • Mike Stidham

    Same here MellyMel. Except for the kids, I only have one. And I'm divorced. And I live near St Louis, not Myrtle Beach. However, I am 50, 51 in August.