Something I'd like to know about you.

I thought it would be fun to ask each other questions about each other.
Anything from whats your favorit hobby to more personal.
If the other person thinks it is to personal just write sorry tp.
  • ernest camel

    ask away
  • Rita D

    Ask me....But I reserve the right to tell you some answers in private!! ;)
    Thanks for inviting me, Carmen!! {{HUGS}}}
  • Rita D

    Hey ernest camel...what's your favorite color?
  • ernest camel

    my favorite color is blue whats yours
  • Rita D

    Red...and I like blue you can see! LOL
  • ernest camel

    it looks good on you
  • Rita D

    Thank you. What kind of music do you like?
  • Lynn Finley the others I am an open book just ask!
  • Rita D

    Hi :Lynn, Looks like we meet again!! So, do you have a hobby?
  • Rita D

    Hi Bassman, are you good with your fingers? Playing the bass, silly!! LOL
  • duane groomes

    Hello Ginger ,What is your favorite food,and please don't say subs.Love ya
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Well it worked this time. Never know next time though.
    So Bassman. What kind of music do you play? And do you ever play oldies?
  • Rita D

    Hi duane!! How's the weather today down South?
  • Lynn Finley

    hobbies? lol...these days tbd! turning a hobby into a busines...baking. These days remodeling the house is my hobby as well....but jewelry making, stain glass etc were hobbies I had back when I had spare time
    How about anyone else? What are your hobbies.
  • duane groomes

    Rita,Its hotter than me,so that pretty damn everything going with you,looks like your cooling it,in a good way.mmmmmm
  • Rita D

    I write short stories and song lyrics. I also love oil painting and photography. I used to do jewelry making, Lynn. I loved that.
    TBD is my addiction...and my hobby!!! LOL
  • ernest camel

    i like the 70's and 80's rock and love songs and some country music
  • Tomas Dunn

    I like music 60's and 80's lots of country I write stories love playing with my dogs and spending time with my daughter
  • Tomas Dunn

    and I do gardening too
  • Rita D

    I love country music!! Can't help it..I'm a country girl and always will be...
    Who likes to go fishing?
  • MoeJoe

    Carmen, I am the proud father of four beautiful kids three girls and one boy. I am a musician by trade and have played here in the Tri-State area for many years.My main hobbies are music composition and arrangement,my car and motorcycles. Have played the guitar since the age of eight still learning however, lol and the keyboard now for twenty-five years. Am looking forward to learning more about you and some of my other friends on here, and thanks for starting the group. MoeJoe
  • Billustrator

    Rita, I like fishing. Actually, I like everything outdoors such as camping, hiking, hunting, etc.
  • Rita D

    Hi Billustrator! I like those things too. Love long weekends near a lake...
    Do you get to do that much?
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hey Rita, in answer to your question. My oldest son and his family live in N.C. But all the others are pretty close.
    I have one grandson who just joined the Navy and one that just joined the Marines.
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hi D.D. Olson. Welcome to the group. I don't believe we've met.
    Glad to meet you.
  • Rita D

    Wow Carmen! That's something to be proud of! I wish my grandkids were closer. Im missing out on their growing up!
  • dennis

    i am here to make new friends and explore unchartered regions in my life. so ask away !!!!
  • Rita D

    Hi Dennis! I love exploring....but I like to "feel" my way around. Is that ok?
  • Carmen Diane Bailey

    Hey Beau, What kind of music do you like?
  • dennis

    YES RITA , that is perfect !!!!!
  • Rita D

    Well Dennis, let's explore the possibilities together!!!
  • joshua x0

    Hello Miss Carmen.... and crew