WQNA Valentine's Day Show

Okay. Wanna get all old-fashioned, mushy and dedicate a love song to yer love-monkey, to be played on the radio ? Maybe a mash note, while you're at it, to be read live on the air ? Then I'm what you're looking for, boys and girls. I'm a volunteer DJ at a local radio station, and the Annual Valentine's Day show is on the horizon. The broadcast will be Sunday, February 10th, from 6:00 pm to 9:ish, CST, on www.wqna.org, and just about any song is fair game, whatever floats yer collective boats - Short of the dreaded Bieber, Bolton or Dion. I have a lousy reputation to uphold, and some previous requests, when played, caused seizures in some of my audience. And NOBODY wants that on their lovey-dovey conscience, now do they ? 'Course Not. Choose wisely, and weirdly.

Luv is in de air and all that, so have some fun. PM me with yer requests, and do try to make it fairly quick - I have to make sure that I even HAVE the song you want, so's we can come up with an alternate choice in time, just in case. And, as always, you don't have to drop everything and listen in that night, as I record and post all shows here on TBD, so that you and your sweetie can listen at your leasure. 'Cause I'm SWEET that way.

Remember - PM me, not here on my public page. 'Cause it's more fun to keep a secret until some idiot like me blabs it for the whole world to hear, right ? You Bet. Get crackin', lovebirds.