TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Not personally.

You're not so big on creating a never-before-used name for a baby.

You're right about that

You remember grade school, when kids were shamed for their name. And you hated all that.

I did, yes.

In grade school, you got your cootie shot, and a booster. ツ


They had real school nurses on duty every day at school, and you got regular checkups 

They did have school nurses, but I don't remember having checkups.

You went to kindergarten.

Nope. Skipped kindergarten.

You were an early reader 

I was.

You were too.

And voracious! Found stepdads old college books in the attic .

Math was not your favorite subject 

True! I was good at it, but definitely wasn't inspired by it!

Math wasn't your favorite subject either.

You guessed it.

You had a few teachers in your day who were a little on the eccentric side

Haha! I did! I imagine most of us did. Draughn tells a story about a professor who lost it and stripped naked in front of his class before stomping out.

You had some eccentric teachers as well. 

Yes. One who wrote the ideas that came to her on brown bags and envelopes, and brought them to class and read from them. A math teacher spoke in rhymes do we would remember rules. He accompanied himself with sweeping hand gestures like a conductor 

You have been accused of being eccentric yourself. Lol. I have 





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