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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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fishing lure, fishing for a compliment, fishing expedition, fishing tackle

Wish: wishing hell, bif wishes her forces, vest wishes, frying wish 

wishing well, if wishes were horses, best wishes, dying wish

Buckle: dewberry buckle, buckle sup! welt buckle; won, too, buckle thy goo 

blueberry buckle, Buckle up!, belt buckle, buckle my shoe

Button: "Button, button blues bought the button?", don the button, butte has a button, button clothes

Button ...who's got the button, on the button, cute as a button, button nose.

Lace: lacething (insect), lace roily, lace dollar, lace-pup blues

lacewing, lace doily, lace collar, lace-up shoes

horror: horror groovy, portal horror, horror beam (a popular saying or image that's passed along), branch pith horror  

Horror movie, mortal horror, horror meme, ?

Sea: sea course, sea kegs,  sea toast,  sea-snowing

(blanch with horror)

seahorse, sea legs, seacoast, seagoing

Storm: Stormy Leather (song), storm shrouds, balm abhor a storm, I love the storm

Stormy Weather, storm clouds, calm before the storm, above the storm

Medi-: medisin, medimate,  mediweevil, mediyum

medicine, mediate, medieval, medium

Pro-: propact, prohell, proshellher, proclown

protract, propell, propeller, pronoun 

Meta: metaquizzical,  metafloor, metaclergy, metanorfolk

metaphysical, metaphor, metallurgy, metamorphic

Con-: confrail, conkempt, contruent, contrivial 

contrail, contempt, congruent, convivial 

Horse: horse face, borrow-thread horse, flocking horse, horse crew lab




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