TBD on Ning

Imaginethat's Comments

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At 2:36am on November 23, 2013, flippr 2.0 said…

At 2:35am on November 23, 2013, flippr 2.0 gave imaginethat a gift
At 9:10am on October 13, 2013, WS said…

I hope you have a fantastic week this time around! You are a fun and inspiring person and I love reading your posts here on TBD!

At 12:12pm on September 5, 2013, Seashelly said…

At 12:11pm on September 5, 2013, Seashelly said…

Hi Imaginethat! Thank you for accepting my friendship, I am glad to be a member of your fun & entertaining group. Have a beautiful day! ~ Seashelly

At 8:21pm on August 14, 2013, CANDYFASHION64 said…

At 2:31pm on July 26, 2013, TeeBubbaDee said…

Glad you accepted!!!! I only belong to a couple of groups, but I really enjoy yours!!!!

At 9:34am on July 19, 2013, Merry said…

Thank you for starting the group, it's a lot of fun. Hope that you're not getting hit too hard with the heat.


At 8:33pm on January 20, 2013, Linda Belthius said…

So nice to see you again!


At 8:48pm on January 14, 2013, Athena James said…

ur pics r beautiful = thanks

At 2:56pm on January 10, 2013, flippr 2.0 gave imaginethat a gift
At 9:21pm on December 24, 2012, truckie said…

At 6:02am on December 22, 2012, flippr 2.0 said…

At 9:06pm on December 18, 2012, Aggie said…

At 4:58pm on December 15, 2012, Elayne Bullis said…

Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes! and for adding me as a friend too!

At 9:20pm on December 13, 2012, Ladyg said…

Welcome to TBD, have fun..........join the Welcome Lounge and stop by Ladyg's Gathering Place and say hello.

At 5:34pm on December 10, 2012, Aggie said…

Howdy and welcome!

At 7:52am on December 10, 2012, Julia A Knaake said…

Welcome to TBD ...glad you made it here....Julia



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