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Jolene's Comments

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At 2:51pm on August 6, 2024, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 6:37pm on August 6, 2023, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 9:33am on August 6, 2021, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday!

At 7:16pm on February 5, 2013, Aggie said…

At 6:41pm on August 6, 2012, Jaylee53 said…

Happy B-day Jolene.  I like your photos.

At 8:29pm on April 28, 2012, Faye Greener said…

There's nothing selfish about posting your devotions.

I'm glad you share.  The words stay with me throughout the day.

At 8:48pm on February 13, 2012, Aggie said…

Copy code then Paste to Site

At 6:44am on December 23, 2011, Aggie said…

'Froehliche Weihnachten!'

At 6:22pm on December 21, 2011, Aggie said…

At 4:58pm on August 6, 2011, Ladyg said…
At 6:55am on February 7, 2011, Just Mimi said…
Thanks so much for the welcome! :)
At 9:09am on December 31, 2010, Judy Wright said…
At 8:55pm on December 30, 2010, Goldilocks46 said…
Copy code then Paste to Site
At 3:43pm on December 25, 2010, Aggie said…
At 8:27pm on November 23, 2010, Goldilocks46 said…
Happy Thanksgiving
At 8:11pm on November 23, 2010, Aggie said…

I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
At 9:16pm on October 27, 2010, Goldilocks46 said…
Happy Halloween
At 4:25pm on September 26, 2010, Raelein MB Haley said…
Jolene: I WANT to add you as a friend, but cannot find a place on your page to do so. Can you help me out, or Friend me, so I can Friend you back? I also think prayer is extremely important. I pray every day, and I talk to the Lord on and off all day and night long. He is all consuming, all powerful, all wonderful, all Holy. I am so glad I found your group. Thanks for being here. My best to you! -Raelein
At 3:44pm on September 26, 2010, Raelein MB Haley said…
P/S: Please excuse the typo's. Thanks!
At 3:42pm on September 26, 2010, Raelein MB Haley said…
Jolene: I joined your prayer group, and was very glad indeed to find it. I want to be friends wit you, but cannot for the elife of me find a place on yourr page to add you as a friend. Please help! Thanks you. You are a friend of Cosmo's, and he is a good friend of mine. My best wishes to you, Jolene, -Raelein



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