TBD on Ning




This is the place to ask questions,provide answers and discuss any and all aspects of retirement. Just keep in mind the fact that there is no one retirement plan that will satisfy the desires of everyone. This is not a "One Size Fits All" subject.

Members: 22
Latest Activity: Jun 16, 2018

Discussion Forum

Anyone interested 9 Replies

In firing up this group again.  I am at retirement age....and am looking at options....is a scary proposition as I was a stay at home mom for many years....went back to school when I was forty two,…Continue

Started by thallygal. Last reply by CWO3ROBBIE Apr 29, 2011.

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Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on December 15, 2009 at 5:12pm
Previously, i posted some questions about retirement. I'm going to skip # 1 at this time. I'll address number two. there are a lot of jobs out there. I know, we keep hearing that there aren't. And I believe that is true for the type of job you would want if you were looking for a career. But, you aren't. You are just looking for extra income. Some of the things I've done since I quit regular work. 1. I had a cart/kiosk in a mall during the Christmas season. That didn't work out so well. 2. I had a part time job at a large sporting goods store. Very low pay, but I made a little extra money and was able to buy lots of toys. I worked in the Camping and boating section and got as much as a 30% discount on stuff. After I had bought all my camping, hiking, and kayak and canoe stuff. I quit and went out to play with the stuff. I worked two phases of the 2000 Census, actually made pretty good money doing that.
I also worked part time as a traffic counter. That was a fun job and also paid pretty good for a part time, on call job. The nice thing about it was, that the guy running the contract would call and offer you an assignment. You could accept it or turn it down. Of course you didn't want to turn too many down or you might not get as many calls. When I worked I usually made over $100 a day. That was in the late 90s/early 2000s. i have friends who drove cars cross country for dealers. Others who towed RV trailors cross country for people. These jobs are usually not advertised. They are usually found through networking. I'm sure there are many, many interesting part time jobs out there.
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on December 15, 2009 at 4:36pm
Ok, I see we have some interest. I envision this as a place we can all learn about the next phase of our lives. Even if you don't retire, unless you are hit by a falling Satellite, or a bus, or suffer a massive coronary, your life style will change over the next 10 or 20 years. How do we deal with that? I hope that this group will help some of us understand what we need to know to navigate through the next phase.
Comment by Stir Young on December 15, 2009 at 8:42am
Hello all! I see some familiar faces here. Red One, I see you've ditched the 1979 Kyle Petty afro now. LOL!

I've comunicated with Larry at length over the past few months, as both of us ended up out of a job before we wanted to go. I'm still not sure if I'm retired, or just unemployed.

Thanks for starting this group, Robbie. You are truly one of the best folks a person could ever hope to find on TBD/Ning!
Comment by larry kremis on December 15, 2009 at 8:27am
Cool group, good idea Robbie. I'm happy to see my wife as a member. Great to see Red One and lynn also. Let's convince Kittycat that it's time to travel and party. Yippee!
Comment by lynn on December 15, 2009 at 7:11am
do i really want to do this? yes, absolutely! do I have a clue where it's taking me? well, maybe half a clue....
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on December 15, 2009 at 6:49am
here are some common questions about retirement.

1. Do you want to stay where you are, or move, or travel?

2. Will I still want to do some work for income in retirement?

3. Will I want to live in a house, condo, apartment, RV, sailboat, Houseboat, tent? Or some combination of those?

4. What type of climate do I enjoy and what am I willing to endure?

5. If Married, how does the spouse feel about my plans and ideas?

6. How can I figure out how much money I'll need?

7. How do I cut living expenses without feeling deprived?

8. What about Health Care?

9. What are the procedures for things like paying bills, Taxes, vehicle registrations/inspections, etc.

10. Do I really want to do this?

Members (22)




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