TBD on Ning

Alarm Clocks?


Pay Phones?


Wrist Watches?

Tags: Back in my day..., Thing of the past, What's becoming obsolete?

Views: 31

Replies to This Discussion

Cool...You did good Goldi!!!
Thank you, Jaylee!  I like Google too!  :-)
I thought those were mimeographs.
Sometime in the '80's the mimegraph fluid was declared a hazardous material. They came around to the school where I worked and took it all away. One teacher hid some because it made an excellent cleaning fluid.
Aggies without a K.
You're not obsolete, Aggie!
Music Videos on MTV or VH1
Tail fins on cars, inner tubes for your tires, and "three in the tree" transmissions mounted on the steering column.

I learned how to drive "stick" with a three in the tree :-)



How about hand crank windows?

I know older cars have them, but they don't make new cars with them anymore, do they?

I think they might on the basic model of an economy car, but I'm not sure.

You & Ducatiman should know the answer to that one!

deez...I sell driveshafts, I don't know nothing bout no door handles...




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