TBD on Ning

What Are Grits? Nobody knows. Some folks believe grits are grown on bushes and are harvested by midgets by shaking the bushes after spreading sheets around them. Many people feel that grits are made from ground up bits of white corn.

These are obviously lies spread by Communists and terrorists. Nothing as good as Grits can be made from corn. The most recent research suggests that the mysterious Manna that God rained down upon the Israelites during their time in the Sinai Desert was most likely Grits. Critics disagree, stating that there is no record of biscuits, butter, salt, and red eye gravy raining down from the sky, and that God would not punish his people by forcing them to eat Grits without these key ingredients.



Tags: grits

Views: 13

Replies to This Discussion

Especially if it's homemade bread!
I like the liquid bread they make in Shiner, Texas!
Biscuts and gravy are a staple here in the South. Grits, Not so much. I have had numerous waitress tell me(after I said "even though I'm from the South" I don't eat grits"). that they can't stand them either.
If there is a Southerner that doesn't like grits, he won't admit it in polite company.




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