TBD on Ning

Alas,  The year is coming to an end.  Am planning (best laid plans) to visit here at least one time a day. And to make December bright in my eyes.  Love and laughter and good riddance to 2012.

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I am not too sure about the green donuts.  Has anyone licked the jelly fill one in the upper left yet?

Too late ,the raspberry jelly fill one in the upper left was scarfed down by a little elf

Hahahaha!  The little elf must have snagged that donut with his fishing pole.  Dang it, why didn't I think of that?  *goes off to invent a donut magnet

tuesday morning.  got waked up by the phone, arrggghhhh.  but will try to make the best of the day.

hope the rest of you have a great one!  thanks for the goodies, Ladyg! 

The nerve of that phone calling you so early.  It startles me when that happens thinking it's an emergency or bad news.

Strange cell phone antics.  Yesterday my cell phone rang with the caller ID saying "unavailable".  The ring tone kept repeating over and over and over.  The phone would not let me turn it off or silence it.  I finally pulled the battery out, that worked.  Put the battery back in and it works fine.


I Googled 'caller ID "unavailable" and found that you can block "unavailable" by calling *77# which I tried.  Verizon does not have that service available.

"unavailable" is not allowed at my home because the elves will turn "unavailable" into compost

I understand.... "unavailable" is unavailable.

bizarre, but i'm glad you were able to finally shut it up, Richard.

i saw a news item about that shooter at Clackamas Mall -- i hate it when that kind of domestic terrorism strikes close to my friends

I am available...LOL

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday...two more days and then it is my weekend...again...yeahhhhhl

Not a whole lot to say today...we are having another friggen inspection at this apartment complex...seems they just did it two months ago...who knows....oh well, most i needed to do was vacumn....this is nuts...

two more weeks of the voice...i will really miss that for sure...it is my happy show...my happy show...

have a good wednesday

Hi Thalia, I am glad to know you are available.  LOL

If you missed it on national news there was a shooting here at a local shopping mall.  2 people were killed and 1 seriously injured.  The shooter is also dead.  Not much in the way of details. The mall was evacuated and searched to make sure no one was left still hiding.




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