Since my interest in the Haiku form arose out of my exploration of mindfulness, most of my efforts will somehow fall under that heading. So rather than try to force-fit them into previously existing discussions, I will start my own. I make no pretense now, of understanding the nuances of the form other than the 5/7/5 requirement, so I guess they will mostly be "basterdizations". So be it, sometimes the message trumps the format. That being said, I promise to take the time to at least try to understand the rules that I may be breaking. I will start by collecting here the few that have been offered elsewhere.
founding fathers prize
the pursuit of happiness
best let it seek you
Too much to confront
The labor of a lifetime
Needs done day by day
Replayed misfortune
Round and round karma's wheel turns
Lessons need learning
Reminds me of the Loggins song:
make a real change now
waiting for a miracle
closes the circle
Snowfall fills the sky
Disappears into the sea
Drink in the silence
the words of last year
spoken in the old language
next year a new voice
with a little help from T. S. Eliot
words shared from last year :
some will remain forever
others best be lost
we pray for new voice
we need a new tone, approach
leading us forward
sky of azure blue
V line of geese overhead
One moment in time
dead leaves in brown grass
a splash of yellow peaks through
foolish winter bloom
howling brisk north winds
blowing leaves aimlessly sow
harbinger of spring
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