Tributes to those who died in service to their country, and to those who loved and waited for them....
Tags: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy, tribute
a flag draped casket
to honor a fallen vet
may you rest in peace
we thank your service
the sacrifice of your life
you'll be remembered
it wasn't your choice
to be an absent father
but duty called you
birthdays without you
each year mom would chirp "next year!"
next year never came
i grew up at last
just in time to say goodbye
on my own voyage
still i felt you near
our hearts beat the same tattoo...
i love you daddy
My dad at sea--Commander of a destroyer in 1948.
Here's one of Scott's poems which was written after his battalion lost it's first man.
When Taps Is Played
when taps is played
we are at attention
a soldier none of us knew.
30,000 feet above
through a cloudy crying blue sky
a tomcat fighter screams.
the commanding general
nods his head
at words repeated
a thousand times:
he died for liberty,
he died so that others may be free,
he died a hero.
nothing is said of politics
nothing is said about the city--
two million people who don’t want us here
hundreds of children throwing bricks
gunshots in the night
martyrs waiting for us to gun them down.
nothing is said about the bullet that tore the soldier’s throat out.
when roll is called
there is only the sound
of a private first class
who does not answer back.
a friend of a friend
a son of our great country
may you rest in peace
we thank you today
for your grand sacrifices
we remember you
he looks at the sky
white birds wheel against bright blue...
please remember me
he dismounts his mare
points her opposite the fray
slaps her on the rump
watching her run free
he wishes he could run too
but stern duty calls...
a childhood christmas
his first kiss among the pines
his young son's laughter
his mother's embrace
the taste of summer peaches
fields that need plowing
a soft featherbed
the fresh smell of sun dried clothes
sweet flesh against flesh
his wife's expression
don't worry i'm coming home
promises broken...
goodbye to this world
to loved people and places
his war ends today
Not haiku, but worth posting. George S. Patton's poem about the perennial soldier:
Perhaps I stabbed our Savior
In His sacred helpless side.
Yet I've called His name in blessing
When in after times I died.
Through the travail of the ages
Midst the pomp and toil of war
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star.
I have sinned and I have suffered
Played the hero and the knave
Fought for belly, shame or country
And for each have found a grave.
So as through a glass and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names - but always me.
So forever in the future
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter
But to die again once more.
you lie side-by-side
with classmates and family
enshrined with honor
your alma mater
(ex scientia tridens)
keeps watch over you
young men pay tribute
to you the valiant dead as
daily discipline
how much more I wish
that you were right here with me
your dimpled smile bright
keeping a golf date
or playing doubles with friends
or chasing some dame :>)
we'd dance one more dance
and sing one last chorus of
is that all there is
golden epaulets
parade sword and fore-and-aft
are what's left of you
commendations and
medals--briefings and photos
naval history...
who will care for these
when I have sailed out of port
beyond all sight lines
though not family
loving hands will pick you up
where I have left you
preserving your name
naval academy ring
and accomplishments
you will live on in
the bosom of the navy
enshrined forever
an honored patriot
your loving memorials
now reside in us
he like my brother
gave their all to protect us
heroes forever
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