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Anything about the holidays...images, remembrances, experiences. What's more beautiful than horses and snow?

Tags: Christmas dreams, Equine Easter, Happy Halloween, Happy Holidays, Sleigh bells ring

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Harry Potter pony. :>)

Happy Halloween!

I thought I saw an owl on the pommel! Very imaginative and a lot of work. Wonder what the first prize was?


Happy Coming On Christmas!

Hi Angharad....I've been riding 2 different horses since September and the 2 different saddles are beginning to have an adverse effect on my lumbar area since neither of  them fit me. 

Today we had a photo shoot with Squire who I've ridden several times when it has been too rainy or as today too windy, and cold. I'll try to load the photos we took BEFORE the lesson. I figured we'd be at least clean and in a good mood.


He doesn't look too alert and in fact looks asleep!! LOL!

I LOVE your pictures, Carol--especially the one with the beautiful smile on your face! 

And, hahahaha, Squire does look sleepy. Awwwwwwww, poor boy. He says, "Mommy Carol, I just want to have some grain and go to sleep. Well, maybe a peppermint or two wouldn't hurt!" ツ

Ouch about the ill-fitting saddles. Lumbar pain is no fun. Maybe Santa will bring you a saddle which fits you and the horses. (I used to buy some high-end saddles cheap because they were "lightly used." Really rich people can serve a purpose. LOL)

If we don't "speak" beforehand, have a lovely, happy Christmas, Carol!!! I'm so glad you're here. I miss "horse people," and you keep me in the mix! <3 <3 <3

Merry Christmas Angharad!  Late news flash....I rode Maxx last week on lesson and this week rode Splash, a Paint whose conformation is a bit like Maxx's but more to the point, my saddle fit him! You know as well as I that school saddles are fitted to the horse more than the rider and it's that which concerns me.  My trainer has been out having some much needed corrective surgery and so another trainer has been substituting, and so I'm able to have at least one lesson each week. Next week mine returns but only for about a month until the next surgical procedure.Hopefully next month we'll be in winter quarters and I can resume riding at my barn. All this down time has resulted in me disposing of a lot of small chores/errands that I would usually schedule around lessons. Not having my lessons has forced me to go to the gym a bit more often. Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year! Ciao!    

So happy for the good news, Carol!

The gym is a GOOD thing!

Best wishes to you as well for health, happiness, horses, and high scores. :>)


(Gypsy Vanner "Blueboy.")


What a beauty he is! All those dapples! Hope you are well and enjoying the aging horsewomen page on FB. I'm off to Rome in a few days but I just was told that my offer to scribe for the dressage part of a club event has been accepted. this event is called a sampler since it only features one type of class for 5 disciplines and I'm not qualified to enter so I'm doing the next best thing. I'll be around horses too.    

Isn't he??!  I have a real soft spot for Gypsy Vanners.

I'm not on Facebook, so I haven't seen the page, unfortunately. I know I'd really enjoy it! I had a page on Facebook years ago, but kept getting stalked by people with whom I didn't want to have contact. Privacy seems to be a problem there, no matter how many times you hit the "only my friends" privacy access buttons. I've thought of creating an anonymous page, but that kind of defeats the purpose of social media.  Oh well. 

Rome! What fun! Have a great time.

Also good news about the opportunity to scribe. I'm sh*t at such things--too easily distracted. Hahaha! Yup, being around horses is like breathing--simply necessary.





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