TBD on Ning

Does it bother anybody else that 8 of the top ten discussions on the front page are all games and only two are discussions?  I'm all for games! I love playing them, I love the challenge, I love the social interaction, but it worries me that people seem to have such a hard time just plain talking to each other, exchanging ideas and sharing sincere moments. Just a thought!


Tags: games, socializing

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I would like to here from more members

Ms Farquar ;>0
I play some games and do some discussions but I have noticed lately that the games seem to be taking over. I would like to see a tab just for games.
I agree having to click on something would make it more complicated - of course you also have to have a button to click to let the system know if its a games thread for a discussion thread and discussion creators would have to click it for this to work. Rom would also have to made on the front page which is pretty crowded right now.
I can't see where this should have much to do with the home page; as far as that goes, maybe cut the number of discussions shown down a bit and just add a 'games' line to click on?

I was thinking more of the header, which is the same on every page. They added 'Q&A' and the 'Welcome Lounge', so they should be able to do the same with a 'Fun and Games' tag where we can put the games and funny photo posts etc., and the Forum can then be devoted to discussions.

Does that make sense?

And yes, I agree that the main page needs weeding, it is jumbled and crowded.
Well, it would be exactly like Q&A, which is also a group. It's just a shortcut to have the tab at the top of the page. What I don't know is whether certain threads can be moved selectively by the mods or if we have to start over with each one. Can we just split the forum in two without making a new group?

Now, Pru, is your problem with joining groups computer-related or some kind of a mental block? ;-D
Wow. Have you talked to Chuck about this?
Hi, WendyLynn,
There are about 51 groups on MyAtlantis, but these will probably not proliferate int he way they have done on TBD, because they are subject to approval and will be deleted if there is not activity over a certain period of time. The moderators are trying to keep them restricted in number and logical, so there are not a bunch of duplications. In general, I think groups are a good thing, but in the chaos of TBD people don't tend to use them. Personally I like groups because you have a specific person in charge who can keep things honest and fair and it is easier to locate the kinds of topics that one is interested in. Obviously this is the minority opinion on the new TBD, but was not the case on the old one in my opinion. The point I think is to find a place and a group of people who want to explore particular (similar) areas of interest. Open discussions because of the way the front page is set up get much more attention because they aren't interspersed with who just made friends, or people's tweets.blogs, etc. I'd love to see group discussions highlighted better with parts of posts featured the way open discussions are.
I agree there should be limited numbers of Good Morning groups and such. I also think the alerts are helpful - cause half the time I don't know when people have posted things. I click follow, but don't always seem to get the message that something has been posted.
I like it just the way it is.
I just click on forum.
Well, Darroll, if you have followed the discussion, the trouble is that the discussions get buried in the games and fade away too fast, since no one can find them. This discourages people from posting more substantial subjects.

We are trying to find the best way to solve the problem.




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