TBD on Ning

Do you have favorite movies?  Which ones do you watch any chance you get?

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yea,Helen,some of us geezers look pretty good.

Tim, you're not a geezer.  You're a kid compared to me.  I'm going to be 65 here in a month.  A friend of mine here is turning 65 this week and she's really struggling with it. 

Got you both beat as I turn 67 on Monday....how did  that happen?!!  My best story about turning 65 happened 2 months later when my oldest son complained to me about turning 40....complained to me about getting old.  I gently reminded him that I was a Medicare card carrying 65-year old.  That was the hardest part of turning 65, opening that envelope and finding my Medicare card, but it sure beats the alternative!!




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