TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Absolutely. I have a juicer, and one of the coolest ways to make lemonade is to juice several small, sweet apples with one lemon--it's luscious with no added refined sugar.

You used to make organic juice "popsicles" for your children to gnaw on when they were teething.

That's a good idea with the apples. Yes, I did. 

You also used to put carrot sticks in the freezer for that purpose 


You currently have at least one pet. 


If you were pet-less, you would be okay with that

I am pet-less, but I'm not okay with that. It's the right thing to do because I can't care for an animal in the way they deserve right now. I absolutely hate being without an animal companion.

You have or had sibling(s).


You were an only child

Nope. I had two older brothers.

Harkening back to your pet question--if you'd been an only child, you would have been okay with that.

Yes,  I think so now. But so many onlies day they didn't like it. I was the oldest and had to look after and defend my little brothers

You liked being the youngest

No, I disliked it. My parents were older when I was born, so they were pretty much done with parenting, one brother was a bully, and the other was so much older he was a stranger rather than a friend.

You wonder what it would have been like to have a sister.

Yes, I do Often. (Maybe you can be my sister)

You were close with many cousins all over the country

no,i grew up in an orphanage,lived on bread and water,headmaster beat me daily.made me wear burlap sacks

you enjoy flying

(I'd be happy to be, Westerly!)

Yeah, I like flying. Just not in a plane.

You enjoyed "extreme" sports.




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