TBD on Ning

apparently not .. it seems that on netflix they remove a certain amount of movies every month and add new stuff .. i'm sure they have some kinda contract with who ever the distributor of that product is for a set amount of time and once it expires its gone.. but some stuff if its popular will make its way back to the list .. some will will never return again .. you could almost say netflix is where some movies and docs and tv series go to die .. or if they're really popular , get reborn . me personally i love it there .. sure you get some stinkers but who hasn't ponied up good money at the theatre and felt like they were robbed . and if it was a matinee and half price ?? robbed in broad daylight ?? but at about 8.50 a month includin tax how can you cry ?? after all you picked the movie who can you blame ?? so to get back to the subject at hand netflix had this tv series about this cat whisperer ,, jackson galaxie who somehow reforms these cats from hell .. mean ass cats .. and these are cats that their owners won't give em up no matter what .. and they have significant others who are gettin bitten and scratched and are at their wits end.. its me or the dammed cat .. and in comes jackson galaxie to save the day .. ridin around in a 62 chevy nova convertible .. ( i used to have one of them but it wasn't a convertible in the same color back in 74 ) shows up with a guitar case fulla cat stuff and somehow saves the day .. so they had this series on the block to be cut on the 5th of october and nancy discovered it and loves cats so she had to watch EVERY FUCKEN EPISODE before they pull it .. 3 seasons worth mind you now .. and every one of these cats is mean as a snake .. but somehow this jackson guy figures out their problem cause he speaks cat and saves the day .. i only watched a few minutes here and there but nancy saw em all cept for the last two .. and she has 2 days to go .. i think she'll make it  .. all its done is make me glad i don't have any cats ..

and on another note i saw a pbs doc about born free and elsa the lioness .. bigger cats ..and the story is not like we thought it was .. in the movie the lion is released back into the wild and lives free while joy and george adamson look lovingly on .. truth is joy and george divorced soon after and had a shitty relationship with each other and brawled all the time ..elsa the lioness died from some kinda tick disease and releasin her back in the wild was an almost impossible thing to do because lions are not solitary cats like all the cat species .. they are the only social cats so when a solitary lion enters an area where a pride already exists they'll kill it .. but both of them still tried to find a way to live with the wildlife in africa after their split .. and joy who was not supposed to be an easy person to get along with was actually murdered by one of her staff.. and george was also murdered by poachers years later .. and the lions they raised ?? they weren't all that friendly either.. despite what the movie tried to convey ..they had to move continually because of the attacks the lions made on their staff and villagers ..  its one thing to have a housecat that you can't control .. but to try and live with lions ?? now thats just bein plain crazy ..

i think i've seen enough crazy cat videos to last me for quite awhile .. and i wasn't even lookin all that much ..        

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My daughter loves that cat guy.  I prefer Cesar Milan, the dog whisperer.  We have a dog and a cat in this household and have had dogs and cats for years.  I love how they get to tolerate each other.  When I got Trixie, my cat then--Angelina, hid from her for two years.  When Angelina and my big dog Louie met, she clawed him once and that was the end of the animosity between them. They hung out together. Now, Trixie and my daughter's cat have a peaceful coexistence except for every once in a while when my dog goes after her.  We thought it was all Trixie's fault until one day we saw Miss Pickles swiping at her.

I heard all that about the Born Free people, but I thought Elsa went on to a happy life of freedom.

well,, i can safely say that all is well in pussy cat land .. nancy got to see the last two episodes of that crazy cat series .. we can all rest in peace . whew.... it ain't easy bein with someone who's ocd .. but then who among us is perfect ?? if you are then toss the first crazy cat ..  




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