TBD on Ning

Can you guess who these tbder's are? They hang out in Q&A & the Forum.

I've had a little creative fun today w/an avatar maker.

Please bear with me, as the program had lots of limitations, so I often could not

get the features right, but I tried my best. 



...and if there are any tbders whom I missed that have your pics as your avatars & would like me to make one for you, please let me know. Or send me a pic if you want. Or create one yourself. The site is www.faceyourmanga.com




And now for a little guessing game.... who are these avatars?? '-)

Tags: Does this avatar make my butt look big?, Is that who I think it is?, Oh, you look mahvelous today!

Views: 88

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Is that an extra ear growin' out of her cheek?

sigh.... it's a TAT! The "Mike Tyson" tat, as Stir so aptly taught me over the weekend. 

It's the only one available on the female side of the avatar maker. The male side has others.

I think that's gender prejudice.

And wait for this - Stir, listen up - I'm showing Ducatiman this thread when he got in yesterday afternoon, and he comments on that tat I put on my alter ego avatar (which he found very hot, btw. the alter ego avatar, not the tat '-). So I tell him about it being the Mike Tyson tat. A little while later he turns on the news - to a segment on MIKE TYSON SUING SOMEONE OVER USING HIS TAT DESIGN!! Damn. What are the odds of THAT??

Deez, I can provide you with the names of several good lawyers...I knew you wouldn't be able to get away with stealing that tat! ;O




The same thing happened to me.  I read this thread this morning.  A couple hours later, my home yahoo page had Mike Tyson's tat as one of the most popular searches.

I thought, "Wow, there's more people lurking on TBD than I thought."


Hey, Bob- your mangatar is one of the first ones I did, when I was still in a learning curve.

I decided I could do better. Whaddaya think?

Much better....thank you, Ma'am.

@ Kooner:

Bob's a generous guy, he'll lend it to you for a bit.

Don't get it wet.....
WOW! That is one sexy lady.

You're welcome.

You can always go back to being a hat person.




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