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Ladyg's Comments

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At 6:56pm on October 24, 2009, Jim T. Spartan said…

At 5:43pm on October 24, 2009, jeff innis gave Ladyg a gift
nice real nice!!!!! u show off u!!!!!!.....lol!!
At 5:31pm on October 24, 2009, Mary said…
JUST LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 2:00pm on October 23, 2009, thallygal said…

My wish for you is a magical, marvelous day today and a year filled with love and laughter
happy birthday to you
At 11:53am on October 23, 2009, Donald E.Garton Sr. said…
SmileyCentral.comfor a beautiful woman on her BIRTHDAY!!
At 11:53pm on October 22, 2009, Aggie said…
Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
At 8:50pm on October 22, 2009, Golanv said…

Glitter Graphics - GlitterLive.com

Happy Birthday! Hope it was a beautiful one and wishing you many more. Love and Light All Ways ~ Raven
At 8:28pm on October 22, 2009, Ivy Doolittle said…
At 3:12pm on October 22, 2009, Tina said…

At 10:31pm on October 20, 2009, Samaa Sax said…
I Am
I am honest and truthful
I wonder if anyone else is truthful too
I hear many whispers and lies
I see sad, untrusted people
I want happy smiles again
I am honest and truthful
I pretend like lies don’t bother me
I feel bad for others
I touch people’s hearts
I worry about lies destroying lives
I cry if lies ruin my friendships with others
I am honest and truthful
I understand how lies can really hurt inside
I say truth makes a friendship stronger
I dream the world would be a trusting place
I try to not lie
I hope to never hurt anyone

by Nikki

At 7:32pm on October 20, 2009, Aggie gave Ladyg a gift
For my friend.
At 7:27pm on October 19, 2009, Mary said…
Happy Monday evening
At 4:38pm on October 19, 2009, Red One said…
I like your Poodle Skirt, Ladyg
At 10:54am on October 17, 2009, Tim Wat said…
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
At 10:32am on October 17, 2009, Christopher K. Carlson said…
Thank you Lady :-)
At 7:22am on October 16, 2009, Caroline Gutierrez Abreu said…
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and the add!! :-)
At 11:33pm on October 15, 2009, MC Bell said…
Thanks. It was a great day even though had to work part of it
At 7:29am on October 15, 2009, Cat said…



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