That's right. NitWits I said.
Added by ZenDog on August 20, 2009 at 4:35pm —
Hey New Guy. Welcome to the war zone. How was OCS?
Did you say "Love Is The Answer?"
Someone said that long ago, and they killed him. His name was Lennon.
It was just another practical joke,
Uninspired, without humor, and o-so very Symbolic.
If you aren't angry
then you haven't paid attention.
If you can't pay attention,
you really don't belong here.
And they've dimed you out already.
A plane will crash when a series of…
Added by ZenDog on August 15, 2009 at 10:50am —
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and Cowboys
An urban cowboy circles
looks like someone stole his cue,
now he's lookin' kinda lost.
I'm sure he knows just Who
but not quite What to do -
he hasn't got a clue.
So much for tough guy eyes.
Then his girlfriend points away
behind me to the left -
body on the pavement
red lights at the curb
and they both go to gawk.
The body lays right there
near where Laura once was…
Added by ZenDog on August 12, 2009 at 8:30pm —
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Do you like dogs?
Hey everyone. I like dogs. Do you like dogs? Some of you like dogs, I’m sure. You know what I like about dogs?
They aren’t people.
Ha-ha! EeYeah! That’s why I like dogs. Yeah-ya. Well, they are manipulative, of course. Sure they are. But if you pay attention, their machinations - ha-ha! EeYeah; a dog’s machinations center around three things - feed me, pet me, and take me for a walk. And they never say anything unless they bark, and that’s…
Added by ZenDog on August 10, 2009 at 8:30am —
Hey everyone. Guess what? It seems I’ve been very bad lately. Yeah-ya. Surprised? Ha-ha! No you aren’t. You know the only thing I’m qualified for is breaking things, don’t-cha? Ha-ha! Of course you do.
‘So what’d he do now?’ you ask? Well I’ll tell ya. It seems I was wrong when I
suggested that the latest
birther conspiracy was designed as a part of the plot to undermine the President during the health care debate. Have you heard about that? It seems a new certificate…
Added by ZenDog on August 7, 2009 at 4:00pm —
Hey everyone. How are we feeling today? O Wait. Shh. Don't answer that. You might be giving away classified information. Ha-ha! EeeYeah.
I don't suppose anyone saw the Burlington Free Press today? Probably not, it's a relatively small publication. On the front page, above the fold, is an article about UVM and some research they are doing. I haven't read the whole article yet, but it's interesting because it seems they are, or they were, examining blog posts and stuff to see how…
Added by ZenDog on July 29, 2009 at 3:00pm —
So if you live in the north east you may have seen the news - or maybe not, but it seems there were some interesting events on the interstate in both New York and Vermont this weekend. Never mind the sink hole that opened up and is expected to be fixed by Tuesday, it didn't swallow anything noteworthy.
O wait. That in itself is noteworthy. Someone should send the state cop who spotted it a note of thanks, just for paying attention. I mean, really. Can you imagine driving into a giant…
Added by ZenDog on July 27, 2009 at 6:24pm —
IF {
war is a function for profit;
war is politics by other means;
politics is a function for profit;
IF (war) {
return profit;
IF (war ? (war || politics));
profit (politics)
return ( );
IF {
function (profit) {
IF {
war = (war(…
Added by ZenDog on July 22, 2009 at 6:00pm —
1 Comment
A Barking Dog
two people with a dog
a dog's toy
and a stick
"jump, boy, jump"
the dog jumps
the other kicks it
they switch
jump, boy, jump
the dog jumps
the other kicks it
this goes on
and on
the dog of course
gets confused
and howls
the dog growls
and jumps
and howls
the dog howls at nite
does he wake the neighbors?
do they…
Added by ZenDog on July 16, 2009 at 8:53am —
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So I have this app on my My Page [my My Page - my my oMy] - anywayz, where was I?
Oyeah, it's a beta version of World News or something. I was looking for information on the DC shooting of yesterday, July 15, 2009, since I missed the news last night. Why did I miss the news last night? Well, it seems someone seemed to labor under the misconception that I must be some sort of TOY or something, but never mind.
Like I keep sayin',
I ain't playin' . . .
Added by ZenDog on July 16, 2009 at 8:30am —
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Zen II
Sow fear and confusion
among the enemy ranks,
then sit back
and laugh.
Laughter is a noise.
When the enemy can hear you,
laugh as if you laugh last.
It won't matter.
Either you won't know the difference,
or you will make it so.
Zen IV
While they look within,
encircle them.
When they look without,
strike from…
Added by ZenDog on July 15, 2009 at 7:00am —
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Butterflies in Sonnet
They hovered near like monarchs in the night;
invading vain and raging ruminations
with lyric sound of soft and gentle flight.
To walk away, solitude's intention;
their lovely voices bid me 'Stay. Listen.'
They formed a semi-circle and they sang!
They sang so pure of love endured, I listened!
Stood rapt with awe and trembling, my heart rang!
with bitter tears unwept and raging pain . . .
Christine was but…
Added by ZenDog on July 15, 2009 at 5:57am —
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Things are always different
things are ever changing
looking through reflections
one gets lost
in a mad house made of glass
one throws stones
but the stones must be much bigger
just go home
sit there in your room and do not cry
feel the hollow emptiness deep inside
don't go near the fun house
it's not fun
the madman in the shadows has a gun
it is only made of words that make you…
Added by ZenDog on July 14, 2009 at 6:04am —
The Tongue
Stand naked and alone before the whole wide world -
Bleed beneath the knife in broad day light -
. . . . . . . . yet no one sees . . .
The mind convulsed with truths and bursting
- fish upon the rapids leaping, bent to spawn,
- intent to speak one word, one radient rainbow gem
sparkling bold and glorious . . .
The tongue clacks softly in an orifice of dust,
no other sound will utter;
the damned tongue no…
Added by ZenDog on July 14, 2009 at 5:30am —
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Ya-ya. Settle down everybody settle down. You'll get your turn, settle down. Just take a number and get in line. I'm sure you'll work it out.
HeeHee! Oboy. eeYah.
aYugh. Well. Say, somebody asked me the other day if I thought it was all that bad. Ya-ya. She said she finally understood what I was saying and really wanted to know: Do I think it's really that bad?
Wanna know what I told her? Yes? No? Not sure? Heh! I don't blame ya. That's right I did, I told her…
Added by ZenDog on July 14, 2009 at 5:30am —
I found a thread this morning that asked of those who engage in some form of artistic expression a simple question, and that is Why.
Interesting question. I was tempted to be flip, sarcastic, but I guess that is simply an expression of some tension, some frustration within me, the expression of which, within this context, may be counter productive.
It certainly won't win me any friends or influence people in a manner that is all that
useful to my ambitions . .…
Added by ZenDog on July 13, 2009 at 8:07am —
1 Comment
Manifesto: American Mad
Are you Master of your own Domain?
Strange question, isn’t it. “What is up with that?” you may be tempted to ask, and most rightly so. There is, I think, only one correct answer, out of the thousands and thousands of possible responses, and that is: Are you insane? To understand why this is the most appropriate response, you must understand what is really being asked, and that requires a complete understanding of the original…
Added by ZenDog on July 13, 2009 at 7:30am —
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Well, I've just had a shower and a shave and I have a few things to do I guess. Don't blame me, I mean it wasn't my idea, but I do, I have a few things to do - I don't know what they are yet but that's never stopped me before, so hey . . .
Ya. Oboy. So anywayz . . . as I was saying, I've just had my shower and a few thoughts came to me and I just wanted to share them with all of you. You don't mind do you? You don't? Well ok then, if you're sure, but you better BOLT IN just in case…
Added by ZenDog on July 11, 2009 at 7:50am —
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I originally sent this note to the CBS Mailbag on June 29, 2009. It's posted on TBD, but with TBD closing I can't hang out over there anymore, so maybe I'll be around here from time to time. We'll see.
Fuck the Bozos . . .
Hi Dave - its Dave.
Was that St. Martin you had on your show the other night? Oh no, it was Short Martin. I see. Funny guy. He's married? Not that I care, it just seems like it'll be harder to get him out of the…
Added by ZenDog on July 10, 2009 at 4:56am —
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