TBD on Ning

Vernon Windsor's Blog – January 2010 Archive (2)

A response to “Michelle’s 46th Birthday Organic Lamb and Lobster Bash.”

On January 18 of this year, my friend OCNaturalDoc posted a blog entitled “Michelle’s 46th Birthday Organic Lamb and Lobster Bash.” In it she says, “…something isn't right when someone who promised so much to so many, and has since spent so much on himself and his family, and is preparing to sell so many of us down the river with socialized health care and the extinction of caring for our country's aging population.” She also reports that “The president rented a private room (of… Continue

Added by Vernon Windsor on January 27, 2010 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

December 31, 2009

A few intrepid seagulls are rowing against the wind momentarily before turning back to take advantage of its velocity that keeps the open waters of the Mississippi River channel in constant motion. One of the constant metal snakes has slowly wound its way around me at least 270 degrees and disappeared beyond my line of sight. Snow still blankets the ground, although the sun is shining in a mostly clear sky and in doing so, highlights the branches of four stoic sycamore trees standing watch over… Continue

Added by Vernon Windsor on January 5, 2010 at 12:01pm — 3 Comments



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