Planet Earth

Mountains, waters, skies and prairies; the beauty and grace of Planet Earth. Her threats, also, and what we can do to prevent harm. Photos and prose encouraged.

Recycle or good for the earth and its inhabitants

I will not buy a fir or pine tree for Christmas unless it is a live one I can plant.

since I am a gypsy traveling between places until I find my place to live I made

my own recycled tree from a dead trees branches, some cinnamon and ginger for 

smell and recycled clothing for decoration...when I am finished with it I will take 

off the nonburnable decorations and give the "logs" to a neighbor for their fireplace.

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    Yes, I think it is good for the earth...I try my best to wash out metal cans, glass jars, glass bottles. We have large bin for our recyclables in NW Ohio.