Quiet, reserved guy, but who usually ends up surprising people with a sharp wit and (supposedly) rather caring demeanor. I'd like to think I've found a balance between extremes--smart, but goofy; funny, but serious; cut loose, or talk 'smart' over drinks; etc. I have a daughter, who is almost 4 years old (yeah, I started late), and I share custody with her. Raising her properly is my primary concern, and at the same time, I realize there's much out there that I want for myself. "Separated", in my case most assuredly does NOT mean "we're working on it". I'm just biding my time until the state of Louisiana says it's been enough time (1 year, mandatory), and in 12/09, I'm going to get the best Christmas present I've EVER HAD! I'm an excellent listener, and appreciate the value of simply interacting with, and enjoying the company of, others. I'm also an excellent friend and companion, and at this time in my life, I'm looking to get some of that back for myself. Honesty and consistency are important to me, and I realize full well that that goes both ways. And yes, for even more of me, just ask me about my Facebook page!
Mar 5, 2010
Chez moi
Mar 8, 2010
Chez moi
Mar 17, 2010