

United States

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About Me:
I was born in Akron, Ohio, but transplanted here to Texas when I was just 2 years old. I've lived briefly in Altas, OK and Derby, KS as my dad was in the civil service, doing QA for the Titan I & II missile program. He was an avid bowler in his spare time and frequently took me and my brothers & sister with him. I miss him very much . . . he died of lung cancer when I was 23 and as I was just beginning my adventure as a nursing student (sigh).
I am an RN who went "all the way" in my education, from a vocational graduate, baccalaureate degree, masters degree, then doctor of philosophy. I have found that the number of degrees one has does NOT make one smarter, just more knowledgeable on particular subjects. Some of the smartest people I've known were not able to finish high school due to family hardships or injuries. So, what I'm saying is that my education has influenced my life greatly, but it isn't who I am.
I have held many titles as both an RN and Jill of all trades (I have to say this for those who think I am not truthful about who I am - lol). I've been in sales (Mary Kay & Amway - who hasn't, eh?), done singing telegrams (I'll put up the Dolly Parton pics of me later), pushed drinks at Texas Stadium, taught rhythmic aerobics & weight training at a local gym, taken in ironing, and worked with my mom in a baby clothes factory. As an RN, I've been manager of an AIDs unit, a neurological rehab nurse, a bedside nurse (all units, all shifts), a clinical auditor, a healthcare risk manager, and a university professor. Because of health reasons, I have worked as a legal nurse consultant & forensics nurse for the last 18 years. Due to tort reform here in Texas, I have been laid off from 4 law offices, but I don't let that stop me from finding work elsewhere!
I have been married for 35 yrs to the same guy. We still like each other, too! After having been married 14 years, we decided to have a baby (we didn't want anyone to think we had to get married ;-). She is now grown and serves as a cryptological Hebrew linguist in the USAF. We couldn't be more proud of her character, sense of humor, and personal accomplishments. Her husband also serves our country in the USAF and they currently live overseas (we get to go visit them this Christmas!).
Finally, and most importantly, I am a Christian. I'm not a stereotype Christian, but I am a doctrinal believer. I believe that I am a sinner (yes, I admit it, lol) and that Jesus Christ, being uniquely born, died on the cross for those sins of mine and now lives inside me as He teaches me, comforts me, and gives me understanding of Bible doctrine, helping me to have the mind of Jesus Christ. I know that to many this sounds hokey, but I searched and searched and could not find answers to my life until I met God, face to face, up close & personal, during a most trying time of my life. As a result, my life has been changed. I no longer think as the world thinks, no longer act as the world would have me act, and have not only wonderful problem-solving skills now, but wisdom to understand how life works, courage to face adversities without falling apart, a contentment in all circumstances, and a relaxed mental attitude in the face of gossip, maligning, irritations, and all kinds of life problems.
I laugh at myself a lot, 'cause I'm a klutz, can't have an electronic device or car without breaking it, losing it, or wrecking it, and I am very forgetful and easily distracted due to my illness. God has helped bring me through so much and through Bible doctrine, He has supernaturally changed me from the inside out. I am no longer fearful of not waking up, of not "remembering" any more, of pain and suffering, and of having to say goodbye to people I love. I am free to not have to "fit in", to live my life as God has planned for me (a perfect plan, BTW).

Comment Wall:

  • Balboa Tishman

    Judi, I'm sure in time, you will master this format just as you did the old.(it's like an old pair of shoes, they become very comfortable and you don't want to change them.) I am sure that there is a soft side to you, maybe as your friend I will find it.
    I hope for you that one day you will experience the joy of becoming a grand parent as I have. It is a feeling that is beyond words, especially when they see me and those little faces light up with big smiles.
    Please keep in touch.
  • Sarge!

    Judi, Judi, Judi, just do like I did point and click slowly until you've clicked on everything. Now the hard part is remember what you clicked on LOL.

    You'll be fine.....LOL nice to see you here.
  • Balboa Tishman

    You said the "G" word in your e-mail to me. They are m pride and joy. The big one is Halley 9$1/2 The little one is Zoey !1 11/2.. :-)
  • Balboa Tishman

    Sorry Halley is 41/2
  • Gary Freedman

    Judi, you promised me cookies!
  • Gary Freedman

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. But I'm a nonconformist and a free-speech advocate. So what if I write about farm animals?
  • Gary Freedman

    Judi, how quickly we forget. You promised me cookies in a comment you left on one of my early blog posts. Now the truth is out!
  • Vernon Windsor

    Hi Judy,
    Good to see you on the new site. Thanks for joining Race in America. I look forward to your posts.
  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!

    Check out my group: Aggie, Longhorns and everything Texas
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    You joined us at FWO! Good for you! I'm VERY pleased to see you with us. Smile
  • Vernon Windsor

    Happy 35th anniversary Judi!
  • Judi

    Thank you, Vernon! We had a great time, then promptly fell asleep before 10, lol.
    Celebrations aren't always as peppy as they were in our youth (sigh), but I'm still happy, and that's what counts, eh?
  • OCNaturalDoc

    Happy Birthday, Judi!

    Make a wish and enjoy a fabulous day!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
    Happy Birthday oh great grand scrappy one! I hope you are having a terrific day - and that your birthday week and month is good to you, and good for you! Take care - and many happy returns!
  • Tim E

    I hope you are well, Judi. Been missing you in the Tough Questions and Answers group. But I know we can spread ourselves only so thin. I trust you are happy and kicking. Take care.
  • Aggie

    Just because
  • cynthia Hunter

    Thank You Judi, I am actualy on my computer today!WoooHooo!
  • Peaches

    Hi Judi,

    Thank you for the birthday wish. I gained a year back this morning after talking to mom. I had miscalculated. Thank God.
  • Alla

    Hey, Judi, I was suffocating when I was thinking I wanted to date. I was surrounded by men looking for 'god fearing women'. I dropped the dating idea and I am OK. I love to hang out with you, you know that.
  • Lawrence Bates

    Happy halloween back atcha, Judi. Most of the trick or treaters around here are Democrats too. They just stay home and order a carton of candy online w/ their food stamps card. I rarely get more than 3 at the door.
  • Gary Freedman

    Happy Halloween! So what do you do in Texas to scare the demons? Dress up as liberal northeners?
  • cynthia Hunter

    That is just toooooooooo cute! I wish I knew how to do that but im a computer dummy!
  • Sarge!

    Judi I'm ROFLMHO! We have some acreage with lots of trees and the parents can't stand on the sidewalk and keep an eye on the kiddies so we don't get any treaters. But your cartoon ROFLMHO still!
  • cynthia Hunter

    thanks Judi! I will check it out! For some reason I cant send messages.
  • Gary Freedman

    Loved the cartoon you left me!
  • Lawrence Bates

    Thanks for the Vet's day wishes, Judi,I appreciate it!

  • Peaches

    Thank you so much for the veterans day message. I will pass your regards on to Tim.
  • LyndaAndLab

    I just read your response to a blog. You gave them the words to Kick Them When They're Down. I want to sing a telegram to you... no, my singing wouldn't be a gift - but I would love to hug you.
    & Elliot

  • caseyjo

    Hi Judy...I think about you every now and then you know....The thoughts I think are not the side of me you hear on the boards, but don't you know I can't let people know about my soft side.....I sent you a friends request...would like to send you a PM.....Thanks Judi
  • Gary Freedman

    Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving?
  • Gary Freedman

    Gary Freedman said… Oh, you're so nice. Yes, I've had good Republican friends before.
  • caseyjo

    Hi Judy...Hope you are enjoying the beauty of the season. winter solstice tree Pictures, Images and Photos...Hugs....K
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Hi you! I just want you to know that the present kerfuffle does not include you in any way - and that I hold you dear and in my usual high esteem. Just dropping a (((Hug))) on your page 'is all!

  • cynthia Hunter

    HI Girl,havent heard from you in awhile. then as you know most of the time im using my phone. lucked out this weedend thought Id say HI! hope all is well with you!
  • Snagg

    Actually, Judi...Quite a few people (Besides my mom and my fiancee) think that I'm one of the nicest people they've ever met. I'm reliable, I come through when people need help, I am tolerant and slow to anger, I'm funny, honest and defend the rights of others to be heard.

    There are always those, of course, who are so righteous, thin-skinned and hyper-sensitive about their chosen idol as to go through life convinced that merely to disagree with them about a petty, meaningless, weeks-old media occurence involving their object of worship, which was quickly and correctly dismissed by the rest of the country as inconsequential and an attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill, is an undeniable indicator of incivility and moral rot. A sure sign that anyone mocking the incident is "not a happy or nice person".

    My, my....What WOULD this country be like if touchy, easily-impressed, over-reactive and late-to-the-party crybabies ran the place? I myself try to vote against that kind of outlook, as I believe it to be antithetical to the American way of forebearance and tolerance of differing opinions. People who confuse throwing a non-stop public bitch-fit in front of news cameras with sober, rational statesmanship really shouldn't be in charge of an entire country, in my opinion, and I was congratulating those board members who saw through another vain attempt at generating headline-grabbing controversy, in place of doing the work of coming up with sane, considered ideas for the good of the nation.

    If that makes me an unhappy and not-nice person, well....I can live with it. If it actually chaps your ass that much....maybe the problem isn't me.
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!