

Newton KS

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
About Me:
I miss the old TBD Im a die hard because I had a lot of friends there
now, I am trying to ... find them, this program is just more difficult to keep in touch, because..........then cant find em again...
im sad.....Ruby

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  • Robby S.

    I like the ring of the Ning Thing...yeehiii
  • Wylde Abandyn

    Happy Birthday?!? Ok, then! Happy Birthday!
  • Eddie Phipps

  • Cleveland's Baby Doll!

    Hi Ruby,.......how did your day go?..........let me know how you are doing. : )
  • Grace Linda

    I am actually back from a mini weekend vacation and was happy to see you have added me to your friends! HORRAY
  • Aggie

    href="http://www.cdsears.com/xtra/chuck/special/tbd01.html" target="_blank">Hug
    Aggie hug!
  • Rhiannnonn

    Ruby! Ruby!! RUBY!!! Where have you been hiding??? I haven't seen you anywhere since I've been here!!!! Thank you for finding me!!!!
  • Bruno

    TuesdaysRuby, your words touched me a little differently than others. I do understand what you are saying. Although I never known divorce, just know that my family would rather see her here on earth with someone else, than not to see her at all.
    I guess in hindsight, we see things in one of two ways, clearly, or obstructed. My wish for you my new friend, is that you see you blessings first and foremost, and everything else will fall in it's place. My closest and dearest friend told me that early, and often. I will always appreciate this friend for not only being there, but being honest. Thank you for reminding me of that.
  • Rhiannnonn

    Don't feel bad Tuesday'sRuby!!! I had to ask a very dear friend of ours to intercede for me because since they set up the login, I couldn't get past the login. I'd login and then anything I tried to do it told me I had to login or register to do that. Talk about banging my head on a brick wall!!!
  • Cleveland's Baby Doll!

    It's Terra........lol.
  • Aggie

    For my friend.
  • Aggie

    Rudi's Sauerbraten
  • Carl R Lindstrom

    How can I forget my ruby friend ! We were through a lot together ... need to catch up
  • Janice71dg

    Mornin' Cin ! ( I just like saying ' sin ' hehe )
  • Aggie

    November the 18th is the 10-year anniversary of the deadly Aggie bonfire that left 12 students dead.

    Texas A&M students traditionally constructed a 59-foot tower of logs for the school's annual bonfire. It was a celebration of the school's big football game against their arch-rival, the University of Texas Longhorns.

    On November 18, 1999, the tower was poorly constructed. It collapsed, killing a dozen students.

  • Aggie

    'Dear Lord:

    Thank you for bringing me to Timmy's house, and not Michael Vick's--Amen!'
  • Aggie

    Happy Thanksgiving
  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Aggie

  • TuesdaysRuby

    haha thanks
  • TuesdaysRuby

    , did you get snow? we got about 3-4 inches hardly enough to be proud of :P
  • Aggie

    We had 2 inches of snow in Houston last Friday. We normaly only have snow once every ten years. Now two years in a row. What happened to global warming?
  • TuesdaysRuby

    I dont know where my ex and I are headed, we seemed to have lost that "lovein feelin" and Im not sure it will ever come back, but, we are at least friends, and at least civil to each other. I have watched the commercials tor
    for : "Its complicated" and most probably could be us 2 years ago when he first moved back in....then over the course of 2 years he has moved out twice this time, rather defeated and resigned at knowing he has messed up his life so much that he cannot even get a decent job here in this town. My committment to love and honor our marrage vows was brought back to me in a prayer one night.

    It was a reminder that I took him for better or worse back in 1984 and God gave me grace to walk out when things were at the very worse, but my love for him never left, and my committment to stand by him has always been there, he had to realize that I was still there even tho I left to keep my own sanity....

    We are both working on our health and trying to get our strength and ability to move forward together.
    We will see what next year brings....
    but for now my committment to 010110 challenge is fresh, new and exciting for the first time i see a reason to hope for tomrorow.....

    I have a new eating plan, no grains, no sugars, no dairy, and no fruits except berries.
    now...to be able to stick with it, after eating "normal foods" over Christmas my body is achy and crying for the new eating to come back and stay....
    does anyone have any good vegetable recipes, salads only go so far before im craving something cooked....
    i miss the creaminess of cream in my dandelion drink
    and the tortilla with my eggs in the morning....other wise im doing ok....

    hope everyone has hada good Christmas too!

    hugs and loves Ruby
  • TuesdaysRuby

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!
    My kids were here for the firstr time in 8 years both together at the same time, for Christmas Eve!!
    My ex is living here again (ex number 2) he was my kids step dad, and drunk while they were small....
    so alot of healing needed to take place to get to where we are today. Some words were said a year and half ago which I thought might bring total inilation to our family life but, with prayer and love we have come thru it.
    Our family was in tact on Christmas Eve and it was good :)
  • vince scimeca

    Hi! I live south of Ft. Scott, Ks down in southeast corner of Kansas..i have lost 46 pounds in about 5-6 yrs. So may be able to give you some help on that one. I tried every diet imaginable. Finally, went to web site calorie-count.com fill out questionare they come back with calories you can eat to stay the same weight or calories you can eat to lose a safe 1 to 2 pounds per week..Also another site that is VERY helpful is Realage. com again take questionare and they come back with about 6 pages of do's and things that will improve your realage score.Also things you are doing right and things that you are doing not-so-right.These sites are 100% free, no money required ever..Here is what i do( in a nutshell) eat anything i want only watch portions/cals..(very important) eat 1-2 50 to 100 calorie snacks morning and afternoon, drink green tea..Never (unless i forget to eat my snacks) let yourself feel hungry...Why? When your body feels hungry your body quits burning cals..that is the idea with alwys snacking cause just digesting food takes cals..If you eat 100 cals. it take approx. 50cals just to digest it..Also this keeps your blood sugar level at an even level so you are less likely to overeat..I also ride a bike in 60 degree and better days but you can do anything for exercise you want there are exercise tables on those sites i mentioned..
  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • TuesdaysRuby

    Thanks for the roses and well wishes for the new Century 2010.
    I have come to the conclusion that 1999-2009 was hell on earth and
    I am so happy it is the start of a new life, new beginnings new everthing that is old in my life.
    I had hoped to be moved from this town by now
    maybe a mystical, illogical, fantasy of meeting someone to fall deeply inlove with and move away with....
    Litlle did I know 2 years ago when I allowed my ex to move back in with me after 10 years of being apart and divorced, that we would spend 2 years of push and pull relationshiping our life which today has turned into
    something new and awesome....

    It will be interesting to see what transpires into the next new year
    and possible new century together.
    May you all have a grand new year even if it is with the old, that can too be new :)

  • TuesdaysRuby

    what a beautiful rose thanks kevin
    i like your jibjab rockinroll card, cool beans dude haha
  • TuesdaysRuby

    whoo 13 pounds off and im feeling so much better
    altho i have developed a lump under my arm, which being around the lymph area im needing to study up and figure out how to get rid of this clogged area...it broke open once and wow did it drain but it seemed to have sealed up pretty good this time...any suggestions are welcome :)
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • Aggie

    Happy Easter!
  • Aggie

    Latest addition to the family, Bambi Aggie!
  • Aggie

    Springtime on the farm in Texas!
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

    Red Ribbon
  • Aggie

    Elsie says Howdy!
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Soon the East Texas Aspen will turning colors, thanks to Ben Franklin introducing it to the USA. (Triadica sebifera) accounts for 23% of all trees in Houston now. Fall equinox hug!
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site

  • Aggie

  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!