

Oakland, CA

United States

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About Me:
Thought for the day*TFTD #2. Well, I finally had another thought. Or rather, someone had it for me: #1. Oh dear! How on earth are we going to feed the rapidly growing world population?Let's see… The number of people is increasing. The amount of oil is decreasing. Hmmm… I know! I know! Let's develop agricultural systems that use less labor and more oil!!We've done just that. This might have made sense in 1950, but it stopped making sense quite a while ago.* ...or whatever amount of time elapses before I have another thought.

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  • Quinn

    Happy Thanksgiving...Enjoy :-)
  • Krisit

    Your pictures of the frozen flowers are beautiful.. and now I see your gig. Just stopped by to visit your page.
  • Krisit

    When you play at the Presidio is this for a particular occasion or open for the public. I wouldnt mind watching a fellow TBDer play.
  • Krisit

    Brian thank you for the post and I might just show up. ..... : ) Sounds like fun..
  • Quinn


    Brian!!! Where hhave you been buddy? And what have you done with Monkey pants?
  • LyndaAndLab

    May you and yours mentor and grow together in the new year, uniting in the most compassionate spirit of Ubuntu.

    Wishing you P-E-A-C-E that takes root in our souls and spreads throughout the worlds foundation.

    "We Can Change The World." Graham Nash
    & Elliot
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    BRAVO! It's utterly spot on. Thank you. We both do. And you are still IN TROUBLE!!!! I was soooooooooo shocked! You naughty spy you. Mind you I did welcome you aboard. No - wait . . .YOU got the ball rolling and I had to rein you in!!!! I almost forgot ~ you started the party! A toast to The Lady Z. I miss her. She was a fine vessel.

    Bless you. It's fantastic. In every way. And I'll forgive you - someday +>/;-> Arrrgh!Wink
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stand corrected!!!! Yes! My wee poor befuddled and ancient brain ! Just as TBD was shutting down - in the last 48 hours, yes! Cuz I was Cap'n Dazz again and getting people in the zodiacs headed for the island of NIng!!!! oh my . . . I was distraught wasn't I LOL!!! I would so never do that normally! It was a very abnormal few days. Your video is poignant, funny, personal, yet universal to us. I'm going to cherish it and revisit it many times over. Thank you again. Oh ~ and Alice LOVES it and says to say "Ello" to you know who /;->
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Peeps are put out because they are not included? Yikes! I'll scout around and see what I managed to save and send you to include if you wish! After my crash everything is disorganized it seems. But I have to say I love it the way it is too. So does TSD . Very much so.
  • Brian

    Hi dotcom, thanks for the nice ribbon for my hair! I'll wear it when I get married in that church. Where does Pru find this links?!? That picture was from the link she posted today...

    Help!!! Brian, Damn you! You didn't warn me about Pru's link today. Help!!! I'm bein sucked back in--------O
  • Brian

    OK, I'm an idiot. You warned me about the link today. But did I listen? NOOoooo!
    Here's the thing that has me puzzled. How is it possible for someone who never took acid to have an acid flashback?
    It's the Internet, Jake...
  • Quinn

    I knew you were a spy!
  • Quinn

    Celebrating more increases our chances for more gifts...
  • Quinn

    So funny you mentioned 99-- I just saw her today. The profile is private, I have no idea!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Sigh. There you go again. Now you're wearing a Fedora!!! OMG. Soooooo handsome. Purrring. Well - in retaliation I'm going to C R U S H on you and say . . . in my heartfelt way my handsome friend . . . Copy code then Paste to Site
    Happy Valentine's Day dear one ;-D
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    A man in a Fedora is a master of the bold stroke, much needed when confronted with those pesky Γόρδιος δεσμός !!!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    You are not the only spy 'round these parts ! Since selling The Lady Z I've had to revert to slinky subterfuge with ample pulchritude!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    True dat! I know what the word means - but I always think "bosomy" when I hear the word or read it - tee hee !
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Birds of a feather mouse together! I just made this up and am now running around feathering my nearest and dearest with my funny. Insomnia does strange things to the mind. Morpheus is cheating on me.
  • Brian

    Oh, probably. What mask?
  • Quinn

    Happy Birthday 86 :-D

  • Ladyg

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)

    Happy Birthday Brian. Hope you had a great time. Hope Monkey Pants gave you a big birthday smooch. Want to thank you once again for not blowing my cover in the WTP.
  • Bull

    Hope you had a wonderful day. Happy Birthday.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Oh! I missed it by a day. ;( dart. Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
    Well, have a bit more cake, and know that my heartfelt wishes for you are that you be very happy ;-D !!!Kiss (Click Me)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    . . .or that very special restaurant at the end of the Universe ;-> - yup - it's the 8th there - all year!

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Join me on the 12th. We can subtract 4 ! Then ditch the 1 and keep the 2 and divide the 8 and we'll have 42 ;) and the remaining 8 will dissolve into little 2's and go procreate.
  • Ladyg

    This is my name on TBD my name is Gwen.............were you on the old TBD, I was and Ladyg was my name on there also. I hope your birthday was a good one.
  • Chez moi

  • Chez moi

    How's it going?

  • Snagg

    I should have that, but I don't...Instead, I'll be playing the Raconteurs pedal-to-the-metal version of the Flamin' Groovies "Headed For The Texas Border".
  • Chez moi

    Nice to see you in the pond - hope you'll swim by often.

  • kainsworth

  • kainsworth

    Did I see the "s" word in that picture? (And I don't mean sun - that's the good one.)
  • The Donald

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Welcome back! I hope you have a great birthday. I enjoy your youtube from time to time almost as much as Pru's homemade kolaches.

  • Aggie

    AggieK was the good lookin Aggie you are thinking of. I am just the Aggie without a K.

  • Aggie

    Some of Pru's homemade Kolaches I received last month.

  • Aggie

    I will let her know, have a great birthday.

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Thanks to Pru the light is still on here. The camel photo was taken at Pru's 3 day birthday party in Tomball years ago. I am retired to the farm now with just my cows and lots of squirrels.

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    I added Kat Brennan back to TBD for your Birthday.

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday, celebrating your birthday in Utah.

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday, have a kolache!

  • Brian

    Hi Aggie - I did have a that close?