

Hartford, CT

United States

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About Me:
Married 30 years. Two young adult children, former school teacher

Comment Wall:

  • brij

    I didn't think anyone here would have ever even have heard of Fitzwilliam, never mind been there. Did you climb Mt. Monadnock while you were in the area?
  • Jean Breton

    Hi there!! Go Red Sox!- I moved to N.H. from Calif. Quite a change!- but have been here long enough to convert to the best team in baseball! take care!- Jean
  • free2fly


    What's up with the pics of the piggies? LOL!
  • mywrite04

    Likewise cutie -- nice to meet you! Are you a carryover from the old TBD?
  • Lawrence Bates

    Hi Coral,
    Yeah, they sure are. Fairly good gas mileage also, but mainly just FUN!
    Doin' any good on getting that Bike?
  • Lawrence Bates

    Hi Coral,
    Mine's a '95 M edition with a little suspension work. None of them are very powerful, at least with the stock engine. Their main claim to fame is that they hold the road like a go-kart.
    I was once invited to a track day that the local Corvette club was having at Portland International Raceways. The car could hold it's own with the Corvettes, acceleration handicap not withstanding, because of the superior handling on most of the track, but on the long front straight, they would eat my lunch.
  • Jim Jacobs

    I will follow you anyplace Trina.
  • Jim Jacobs

    Still trying to catch up with the learning curve. Not sure how to past in a graphic. Maybe not possibel like myspace?
  • Jim Jacobs

    Thanks I will soon be doing it all. Will visit the group in a few. hugs James
  • Jim Jacobs

    Hot Comments
    Have a joyful weekend. James
    I just visiting to see your page Coral. Hope you have a great week end. James

  • Mary

    Hot Comments
    New Comments

    Hope your weekend is going great!
  • SonicBlue

    Thank's Coral,you just made my birthday even more special! : )
  • Henry Askme

    Thank you very much.
  • IARainman

    thanks, the ear of corn really kind of sums up Iowa....kinda "old school"
  • Mary

  • Frenchy

    It always makes me smile when I see your posts!!!
  • Taylor


  • Red Blooded American Male

    Wow, Love the new profile picture. You look great.
  • Mary

  • Mary

  • Cat


  • Deviant Fox

    Hiya Coral! I wasn't sure if any of the old gang would be here or not! It's good to see some familiar faces.
  • Greg Forte

    Happy Birthday sorry I missed it yesterday was busy with my girls

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  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Coach126

    Happy Birthday Sweet Friend....Have a wonderful day.....ox......
  • D. D. Olson

    Happy Birthday!! WOOT!!
  • Bull

    Happy B-Day hope you have a wonderful one.
  • Ladyg


  • Marti

    HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Deviant Fox

    Thanks!! :)
  • Mary

  • Mary

  • SkyCruiser

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • Bill Kingsley

    Red Ribbon
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • SonicBlue

    I hope you had a great Christmas Coral! Here's wishing you a happy new year!
  • d's girl

    Wishing you...

    Hope for the future

    Abundance of love

    Peace in your life & in our world

    Prosperity for you to thrive

    Years filled with joy & gratitude

  • Aggie

    Howdy and welcome back!

  • SonicBlue

    Hey Coral, I hope you're doing well! Sonic.


  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!