Mark Mentzer


Palm Harbor, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Join my discussion group on Left Wing Politics:
And my discussion group on The Beat Generation:

I'm an Animator & Website Designer. Portfolio:

Check out the animated tour of 4MediaGraphics.

I'm very creative & this is my hobby too. It's fun to make a living doing what you like.. I invite others who may be interested in talking to get in touch.

If you are in need of a website contact me.


Search for Mark Mentzer and send friend request to the the same picture as here.

I am divorced for 7 years. I have 3 gorgeous daughters and a wonderful kitty.

Comment Wall:

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  • Tina

    Have a great Day Mark,, laugh alot! T
  • Dr. John L. Turner

    Aloha Mark!
    Nice page!!
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    Just checkin on ya!
  • Lucky Lady

    Thank you for inviting me to be a friend.
  • Tina

  • Tina

    The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
    This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.

    Black Elk - Oglala Sioux
  • Abelia

    Thank you Mark for your friend invite!...Blessings, Abelia

  • Tina

  • Patti

    Thanks for the invite. You are very creative, I like your work. Hope your weekend is a great one!
  • Tina

  • Tammy

    Hi Mark. Thanks for the friend request! What are "T Ladies"?
  • Samaa Sax

    We are blinded by our own kind,
    And have no scene of our own mind.
    But we must stop,
    And turn our backs.
    To never look back.
    You might see something,
    You never thought you could,
    But always knew you should.
    by Rashelle

  • Tina

    Dear Mark, I have to live in "hope" with you! Life is busy I know, However I was thinking of you today and wondering if all is well? Blessings, Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Ladyg

  • Vernon Windsor

    Happy Birthday Mark!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Ladyg

    You are most welcome, I hope you day was all you expected.

  • Golanv

    Comments by
    Hope you've had a beautiful day Mark. Love and Light All Ways ~ Raven
  • Tina

  • Tina

    I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight
    that to somebody's need made me blind;
    But I never have yet
    Felt a tinge of regret for being a little to kind.
  • Letha Robinson

  • Honey Holiday


    ' />

  • catwoman

  • Mary Morris

    Happy Thanksgiving
  • Mary Morris

    Thank you for adding me as a TBD friend.
  • Letha Robinson

  • catwoman

  • Mary Morris

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • catwoman

  • Kittycat

    Thanks for the friend request.

  • sandra pilar lopez-gil

    Merry chistmas and a properous new year my friend!
  • catwoman

  • caseyjo

    Hi Mark..I visited your website..I am amazed by the great work you do..If I ever need a site I will come to you...I noticed your work is on vimeo for embedding...may I share on my TBD profile?
  • caseyjo

    Thanks a lot Mark......Goody Goody...Your nice.
  • caseyjo

    I look at the golden rule as ageless and part of the human psyche. It works pretty well in the Animal world as well...Don't invade my space Buddy & you Ok, as long as I am not hungry and you look good to eat..LOL.
  • thallygal

    Good morning Mark,
    I am not often on here, spend most of my time at MA....WHEN I have the time,
    Nice to be your friend
  • Just Mimi

    Have a great day my friend! :)
  • D. D. Olson

    Happy Birthday!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Ladyg

  • Aggie

    I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
  • footprints

    Mark Mentzer...just peeking in since I logged on....glad you are happy in Florida...hugs footprints (angie)
  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday, Mark!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!