

Springfield, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Bicycling, Swimming, Body-Generated Magnetic Field Cell Phone Depletion, Exotic/Ethnic/So-Hot-It'll-Melt-Yer-Face-Off Cooking, Tectonic Mass Manipulation, Assuming The Worst, Blundering into Bank Robberies, Spoiling my Fiancee Rotten, Spoiling our Cat Rotten, Scaring the Neighbors, Hand-To-Hand Combat with Poison Ivy, Drinking the Good Stuff, Splendiferous Obstreperosity, the First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Charming the Little Birdies Right Outta the Sky, Stumbling Across Anti-Ergonomic Implementations, Driving like a Bastard, Bitchin' Tunes at Top Volume, Lurking/Jabbering on the Internet, and the occasional Wee Spot o' Sage Advice

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  • Angharad

    Thanks for the friendship, S. To honor the flagrant opinionatitude and intolerance for bullshitification we seem to share, I'm giving you this gift. I'd like it to be more, but I'm a damned miser.
  • Quinn

    Congrats on your additional title :-D
  • Quinn

  • Goldilocks46

    happy belated birthday late birthday
  • Quinn

    Happy Halloween
  • Slayer Dug

  • Aggie

    Thank you!

  • Dot

  • Quinn

    Christmas show tonight?
  • Quinn


    It's great, I'm loving it!
  • d's girl

    Happy Holidays, Snagg!

  • d's girl

    ...I think you're a cuddly person in disguise. I bet that armadillo shell cracks or melts quite easily. '-)

  • Quinn

  • Karen Bear

  • funesthememorious

    Happy Holidays Snagg!

  • Karen Bear

  • funesthememorious

    You old retired geezers are an impatient lot aren't you. Happy New Year.

  • Karen Bear

  • Slim

    Mr. Teeny?  Is that you?

  • Karen Bear

    Hey Dave, just wanted to say hi!

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Not yet, but the cops are looking for Larry and Robbie.

  • EddieDingo

    Roam around as you please...just don't take the plastic off of the furniture.

  • funesthememorious

    Oh yeah - I bought the Obits CD I Blame You a while ago. I'm sure it was from your recommendation. Liked the Patti Smith April Fool song - probably will get the album when it comes out.

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Your links worked fine for me dude. Too bad somebody got there panties in a bunch over you doing us a favor. sheeeesh!

  • Aggie

    Some where between Obama and Bush in Houston, Texas

  • Aggie

    Pru was in the middle yesterday.

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy 4th of July!!

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Angharad

    DAMN! Obviously MY New Year's wish didn't come true.

    I hope yours do...

  • Angharad

    YIKES!!!!  Valentine's CLOWNS! Is this hell?

  • Angharad

    Happy Earth Day?

  • flippr 2.0

  • Angharad

    Happy Halloween...

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Angharad

    Happy Non-Sectarian Winter Solstice-Related Bastardized Rebirth Cycle Myth Survival of the Fittest Ritualized Fa La La Folderol, Snagg!!!

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hmmmm, I sent a song but it didn't show up on you page. Guess I'll have to try again.

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Angharad

    Snagg, Oh Hammer of the Actualized Conscience, your comment on GOGO was perfection. 

  • Angharad

  • imaginethat

    Thank you for adding me as a friend Snagg. I love music, and appreciate your comments and the music you post. It's so much fun learning about so many avenues and nuances. Take care.  Nancy 

  • Angharad

    Happy Resurrection Day!

  • Angharad

    Happy Openly Carrying Assault Weapons Into Fast Food Restaurants Day!

    It's good to know that the weapon exhibitionism fetish our forefathers treasured is still alive and kicking today! 

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Angharad

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Just wondering how your dog is doing. (and you too)

  • Angharad

  • Angharad

    I'm scared.

  • Angharad

    Buddy Jesus approves.

    Yeah, Resurrection Day and (April) Fool's Day should always coincide, in my opinion. And I understand why the convergence is too good to pass up. 

    Just take care of yourself.

    Too bad you can't pull the levers and have your loved one (or just random people off the street ツ ) do the talking. Maybe grab yourself a Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, Muslim, and  a member of the Children of God or The Cosmic People of Light Powers to do the honors. That should be fun.

    I'll watch for your playlist. ✿

  • Angharad

    Merry Whatever!
    Looks like Krampus is heading for some Me Too action in 20 years...