Angel Austin


Philadelphia, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
II am a Former Account Executive and now Internet Business Owner of a Paranormal Service. I recently got my Doctorate. I also have many interests. I enjoy many types of music and Old Hollywood Movies. I have Two Adult children and they are assets to society. I enjoy reading, cooking and gardening. I like the beach and sun bathing and tea parties . I traveled all over the world and like to visit exotic places and met many famous people and still enjoy just ordinary people who have extraordinary talent's and gift's.

Taking time to smell the roses and listen to the bird's sing and watch the sun come up or set is very relaxing adds so much more to completing my world with peace . harmony and balance.

Being Famous is not something some seek out sometimes it seeks you out. My career has made me much more alert and aware to my responsibilities to the people. I have founded charities to help people and heal the world. From feeding people to housing people we must each do some kind deed to improve the quality of life for the fellow human being.
God is love and love is a single act of kindness and unconditional love it knows no reasons or rimes. Join me in making a difference by doing something kind each day you will feel a high no drug can ever give a fulfillment that only comes from inner happiness and spreading happiness to others.

The Future is a mystery that is inviting and mysterious ...

Comment Wall:

  • marstraveler

    hi AA, marstraveler here, i would like to be friends, but i have reached my friend request limit of 100 here on Ning. would you please go to my profile page and click on add me as a friend. have a wonderful day.

    I love to have friends from far west who are significantly modest, honest & Intelligent with craving for human value without expectation.

    Anant Dalal
  • ernest camel

    hi angel i have been in a lot of old houses that are haunted
  • Billy Bones

    Hello Angel and thanks for adding me to your list of friends. I've attempted to log onto your web page but it appears you have myspace and yahoo mixed up in the address. Anyhow, you have a great day.
  • Billy Bones

    Angel... you have as your website address on this site. Won't allow to connect, what I meant about mix-up.
  • Billy Bones

    Hey Angel no problem, just pointing it out so you get more hits on your site. Still can't access your site from you page. Suggestion for you... where you see Http://... place the website address, should read like this: and above it, in the body of your page, type in

    I've been fine thank you, just dealing with a "mysterious" rash on my arms... will be okay.

    You have a great day!
  • Billy Bones

    I'm good thank you... turns out I had a reaction to my face wash.... go figure. Have a great day! BB-
  • Billy Bones

    Hey Angel, Sorry to hear you are hospitalized. My prayers are with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care.
  • Amanda T. Wills

    Hi. I know we are strangers, but I also got a very offensive message from the same creep as you...what are you doing about it??? Please advise. Thanks! A.
  • Billy Bones

    Hello Angel,
    Hope you've recovered from the illness and are up and about, take care.
  • Amanda T. Wills

    Good work Angel! I totally respect women who aren't afraid to take action, and stand up for themselves! You did a good thing there, and I thank you! A.
  • Billy Bones

    Felt you needed a smile... Have a great day!
  • Larry

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Darkhairblueeyes

    Happy Birthday Angel! Do something fun.
  • Billy Bones

  • Marion P. Jelks

    Happy Birthday. Please forgive my tardiness. I hope your day was blessed and wonderful. May you have many, many more.
  • Billy Bones

  • John Dalhouse

    finished your questionnaire
    hope helpful!
    mowed front yard, priced storm doors
    still looking for ez low cost internet business (contacts!)
    made new free webpage at
    check out!
  • John Dalhouse

    OK be looking for turning cool here nice cool day today
    bout time to start wearing coats!
    bought a lottery ticket find results tonight!
  • Albert J. Wernery

    Phillies playoff game today eveyone excited

  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Billy Bones

    Thanks for the gift and wishes Angel, very thoughtful of you. Hope all is well. Have a great day!
  • Billy Bones

  • Billy Bones

    Posting these sites is extremely easy. Look for section on a site such as YouTube which reads: <> Embed copy the contents within the box and paste where desired. Many blessings!
  • John Dalhouse

    thanks for the red ribbon = gorgeous!
  • Aggie

    Happy Easter!
  • Aggie

    Latest addition to the family, Bambi Aggie!
  • John Dalhouse

  • Aggie

    Springtime on the farm in Texas!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

    Red Ribbon
  • Quinn

  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
  • Aggie

  • John Dalhouse

    Glad you won contest...listen to your show...put on calendar...baked a ham for dinner...nibbling on...whooped tonight...70s here Monday...might lay out :)
  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!
  • Ladyg

  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    I think your going to be a cool granny!

  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!