Faye Greener


Mountainburg, AR

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
About Me:
Used to read TBD threads and enjoyed the people. I made the move to keep up with everyone.

Comment Wall:

  • Faye Greener

    Welcome to my page.
  • Tina

    Thank you Faye, I am thankful, Great Spirit, God is good, I found my way...Blessings, T
  • Tina

  • LyndaAndLab

    Hello, It's time for a new discussion. Remember what Friday nights used to mean to you? A long, long time ago? The healthy young, last moment of innocence you? Or the 8 year-old you who was going to marry Bobby Sherman? Did you wish your mom went to work so Mary Poppins could work at your house? Collect your imagination, bring your smile, and come join the discussion at Health Issues & Disabilities. 'Cause this, you can do!

    & Elliot
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • LyndaAndLab

    Health Issues & Disabilities, New Discussion:
    Have you had the discussion with your loved ones? Have you talked about Organ & Tissue Donation?
  • LyndaAndLab

    Who Are The Caretakers and What Do They Need
    Health Issues & Disabilities
  • Tina

  • LyndaAndLab

    A humorous video regarding Health Care Reform by MoveOn.org has been added to the front of our group page. It features Will Ferrell and other celebrities. Watch it and tell us how you feel about it - a new discussion has been opened.
  • Bull

    Very nice to see you again.
  • LyndaAndLab

    Health Issues & Disabilities-A Brand New Ongoing Discussion

    1st Topic: "Men And Women Are Different?"
  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Sam Smith

    Thank You for the pizza, hope you enjoy sushi.
  • LyndaAndLab

  • LyndaAndLab

  • Sam Smith

    Hi Faye, Nice to hear fr5om you I haven't been around much. Thank you so much.
  • d's girl

    Hi, Faye. Just wanted to pop my head in & say it's nice to see a new face around the threads. I hope you keep hanging out w/us! '-)
  • Jolene

    Welcome to community prayer Faye. And your welcome on the comment, it has been my morning devotions for I think over a year now.

  • d's girl

  • d's girl

    Stopping by w/a hug...

  • Robin Wolaner

    Thanks Faye you rascal.
  • d's girl

    Wishing you...

    Hope for the future

    Abundance of love

    Peace in your life & in our world

    Prosperity for you to thrive

    Years filled with joy & gratitude

  • d's girl

    Hi, Faye! I just saw that you're using the avatar I made in your likeness as your avatar - I take that as a compliment - I'm glad you like it! '-)


    ...and another thing- I just read your May 1 Status Comment. Why can't I ever do that?! :-P

  • d's girl


    Faye, Are you alright? You haven't posted since the end of May.


  • Jolene

    Faye you are so welcome, I hate to say this but I post scripture from my devotions. It's very selfishly motivated. But I pray for every member every day. I believe there is power in prayer, and strength in numbers. Have a great day! Jo

  • Jolene

    Thank you Faye, have a blessed Sunday.

  • Aggie