

Arlington, TX

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
book lover, grandmother and great-grandmother, former eons member

Comment Wall:

  • Sailspinner

    Good to see you here.

  • Ioruach


    Do you think that Bookoholics will move to TBD?  Please note that I am now a pussycat!


  • Aggie

    Howdy and welcome!

  • Flowergram

    Yes, been on Eons and Think Be Do and now this one - just keep on shufflin along.  Thanks for the friend invite and it is indeed a small world.  Where in Ohio did you live?  Good to hear from other buckeyes.

  • Flowergram

    Red Ribbon
  • Mudqueen

    I am leaving for Austin tomorrow. Will be back the 9th and home for good. Hope all is well with you and that you have a wonderful new year!
  • Countryphyl

    Trying to figure out how to use this site. :-) Phyllis
  • Countryphyl

    I can get to the. Bookoholics page but can't figure out how to post on it. :-( Phyllis
  • Jick

    thank you Rapa, that's my 9 month old Newf, Moses

  • Carolyn Tewell

    Rapa thanks for the coaching on this site. I'm just going to leave things as my real name for now. Back in the old days of chat forums everything seemed so anonymous and Screen-names were a way to stay private. Now, we have photos revealed among other personal revelations just seems futile to hide my name. I rejoined Facebook but kept my "friends" list very small. Need to find you over there.~mlo
  • Dee Morris

    Hi rapa,  My hubby has been on TBD for a long time, teebubbadee is his user name.  I had to have hime help me get my page set up...reason it took me a while to get back to you.  I retired in April 2014 from the hospital. Took an early retirement because I couldn"t stand the way staffing has decreased over the years and level of patient care declining.  Same time I was retiring my hubby got bladder cancer so I was able to take care of him.  He's doing well.  I don't read too much anymore. Kids got me an I Phone for Christmas and I'm on facebook or playing games or with my 6 year old grandson

  • Glenda Scheideler

    Thank you for the nice message - it's great to actually touch base one-on-one with one of the bookies. I'm envious of the great relationship the core members have on TBD.
  • Baia

    Hi rapa!  I got your message about the Bookaholics group.  Since I joined, I haven't been a very devoted member.  I'm still reading, but I'm not particularly socially isolated and I mostly just do the Wall of Gratitude on TBD.  It's too bad, that interest has decreased.  If you need to retire from the group, to do other things or maybe be in an in-person book club, I totally understand.  If I didn't have so many other responsibilities, I'd volunteer to keep it going, but I'm trying to spend less time online rather than more.  Best wishes in whatever you decide.  I was hoping for more people to drift back to TBD from Facebook, but it doesn't look like it is happening.

  • Apposite

    Now that you have put it in my consciousness, I will. My wife has probably read it. I do read fiction but it has not been a primary reading genre.

  • Apposite

    Also, I see you are from Arlington. Rangers fan?

  • Joanne

    I figured out how to send my reply! Yay!

  • Syble

    Thank you for the welcome and the invite.

  • AnneMarie - Tagworld

    Thank you! 

  • Marcia Rawlyk

    I think I will.