J Lee S


Salt Lake City, UT

United States

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About Me:
Just a guy.Not very political nor Highly Religious. I am here at TBD to have fun and smile with my friends. Not here to argue or debate. I do not consider myself a "novelty" and neither do my friends here or in Real Life.
I am more than happy to make new friends, but I enjoy a personal message sent along with a friendvite, and you can bet if you get a request from me I will send a personal message as well.And always remember to wear sunscreen :-)

Anything else anybody wants to know about me...just ask, I am pretty outgoing:-)

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  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Easter!!

  • funesthememorious

    Happy Easter Dear J Lee.
  • Baia

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Jack. They worked. I am having a wonderful life.
  • kainsworth

    Hee hee! Weeeeell, maybe I was having a boring day.
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Hump Day!

  • KarenSme

    Nice avatar! That man in the background obviously cut a stinker. Note how it actually paralyzes the ballroom guests. The Stinky Dream State of Mind.

    Have a hysterical day.
  • Chez moi

    Do you know how much I wuv you?

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Without a doubt - your funniest yet! Oh my! "proper that way"! Brilliant! xoxo
    Compliment (Click Me)
  • kainsworth

    My daughter once told me I'm like Brain from Pinky and the Braid. Except not quite as evil. I just smiled and said thank you. :)
  • kainsworth

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Indeed. Again - nicely said m''dear! Thank you. Kisses, and love my feur!
  • cynthia Hunter

    Watch it you might get what you wish for. :–)
  • cynthia Hunter

    send me your number and I will!
  • funesthememorious

    Happy 4th Jack.

  • kainsworth

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Chez moi

    Hi, cutie, how are you doing?

  • Aggie

    I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!
  • Quinn

    Hope all is grand...

  • d's girl

    Happy Birthday, JLee!
  • Ladyg

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! Have some kolaches!
  • Jaylee53

    I forgot that I could talk to you here.....my bad. I will always wish you happiness and a few tears just to balance it all out. I miss your scruffy head. Take care...feel blessed...you are.
  • Snagg

    Scrappy Berfday.

    Am I late to this party? You'd BETTER have saved me some cake.
  • Aggie

    Santa's new helper.
  • Quinn

    Much joy to you this Christmas

    I wish you the merriest :-)


  • Judy Wright

  • Aggie

  • Quinn

  • Judy Wright

  • d's girl

    Wishing you...

    Hope for the future

    Abundance of love

    Peace in your life & in our world

    Prosperity for you to thrive

    Years filled with joy & gratitude

  • Snagg

    Well, wasn't EXACTLY trying to goad 'em into doing it, but...I HAVE been wondering exactly where the line was.


    I think I just ran out of moderator lenience, and didn't actually overstep any rules, as I ALWAYS address Macon that way. They just decided it was time to LOOK fair.

  • Snagg

    If I'd REALLY been trying to get suspended, I'd have copied & pasted the post that got me hammered, to show and share around here.


    Nah, I wasn't goosing the dragon out of any particular attempt to get suspended - I just don't CARE that much. As I said elsewhere, I've been kicked out of nicer places than MA.


    Don't yet know if it's permanent or not.

  • Slayer Dug


    Is this where we all get returned.....?!!!!?


  • d's girl

  • Karen Bear

    Happy Valenitne's Day, sweetie!

  • Karen Bear

    just saying hello and how are you?

  • Wendel

    Hey Jack, one more place to see you at :-)
  • Quinn

    That has got to be the creepiest Easter Bunny I've ever seen!

    That'll cure ya of your chocolate addiction!


    Hiya J *waving*

  • Angharad

    Kissing you, you beautiful boy. Let's see if we can get things going here again...we were doing pretty well on MA. Bring your friends and let's partay! XOXOXOXOXOX


  • Quinn

    Love that contraption up there ^^^

    Very Jules Verne like...

  • d's girl

    Yay for you!


  • J Lee S

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!




  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday!

  • Snagg

    Spliffy Batday!

  • Angharad

    Leave it to the Victorians to have New Year's elves and a coin coughing moon.

    Vive la différence! Here's hoping that 2013 brings you your heart's desire, JLee! You deserve it. XOXOXOXOX A.

  • Angharad

    Where are you Boy? 

    I hope all is well. Heck, better than well!