Patricia Harbauer


Springfield, IL

United States

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About Me:
I have been married (to the same man) for 42 years. We are both in our 60's. We have one grown son and one grandson.

Comment Wall:

  • Aggie

    Howdy and welcome!
  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Welcome to TBD Patricia!
  • Patricia Harbauer

    My husband taught me how to crochet - isn't that cool?? I'm a lefty and no one where I used to work could help I love it!!! I don't really watch much TV either - hubby likes old movies (gangster & western mostly) - and those shows like AX-MEN and Deadliest Catch. They get old, too!!! I used to watch the before/after shows - but there's not many of them on anymore. I like Psych, too - it's so funny! I like shows like CSI-NY and Warehouse 13 ... and I love any comedy!!!
    I only had one child. He is now 44. I also have one grandson - he's 21 Hubby retired a few years before me. I used to work for IDOT. I had worked there for 33 years - doing data input. I really loved it. Hubby was a mechanic - fleet mechanic, then marine mechanic. He really liked it - but he got tired of it - and decided to retire early. LIke I said, now he spends most of his day in the woodshop. He makes the most beautiful things - he even made me a pair of wooden earrings!!!! He has had no training in it - but it sems so easy for him. He's going to build a cradle for a friend of ours - then he will make me a new medicine cabinet to replace the plastic one that we've had for YEARS!!!! At least, it keeps him out of mischief (lol)!!!!!
    Hope you get the help you spoke of for your osteo. I understand about insurance. I desparately need new dentures - but the insurance only pays for bout 1/3 of them - and our budget is so tight it squeeks!!!!
    When I was younger, my thing was dancing. There used to be "clubs" here to go to - and I loved it. I love music (especially the 50's and y60's). I bowled some, too. My back and legs now prevent me from doing much of anything - so I play games (including bowling) online!!!
    That's about all for now. I need to go do some laundry and clean up the kitchen. Hope to talk with you later ............
    Sleep well - have a good night!!!! Talk to you tomorrow??? Pat
  • Patricia Harbauer

    Hey! Dot! Sorry I haven't written. We've been busy trying to get the camper ready. I still haven't made that stupid bed yet - trying to put it off!!!!
    We're doing ok - since it's gotten warm - we don't hurt quite as bad (as I know that is for you, too).
    My Mom told me today - after her birthday in May (she will be 90), she is going to have her primary doctor write her into a nursing home. Her legs have gotten to the point, she can barely walk - even with her walker ... and she refuses to get one of those electric wheelchairs. I knew it was coming - but I wanted HER to decide when. We're hoping she can get into the one that is the best around here - cleanest & such.
    Not to much else going on. Just going from day to day like the rest of us!!!!
    Hope your Easter is great - take it easy - write when you can ....... Pat
  • Patricia Harbauer

    Hello, Dot ..... We had a quiet Easter, too. I spent part of the day with my Mom. While we were visiting, she told me that after her birthday (#90) in May, she is going to have her primary doctor get her into a nursing home. Apparently, her leg problem is worse than she's been letting on. She told me, it was beginning to get harder to even do a simple thing like bend her legs to put her slacks on ... and, even with her walker - she has a horrible fear of falling because her legs feel like they are going to go out from under her. I tried to talk to her .... I won't be able to help her move ... we have a small car - which means I could not move - say - her recliner or TV ..... and, what with me having to walk with a cane - and my balance not the best - it would be a bad idea for me to help her move. I don't know who will help her - unless the nursing home can think of something ... we'll just have to wait and see.
    Hubby is doing fine - he's out in the woodshop most of each day - but he's always bringing in something so beautiful - I really don't care!!! Yesterday, he brought me a small wooden "flower pot" ... I am going to put artificial flowers in it and put it in the camper ... help brighten it up a it!!!
    Not too much else right now - it's getting late and I have a load of laundry to do before I relax for the evening. Hope to talk with you again ...... Pat
  • Goldilocks46

    What do we have in common? I have been married to the same man for almost 36 years, he and I are both in our 60's, and we've lived in this house for almost 36 years. We are retired, and we are loving it! He is on this site too - George J. Evan.
    George and I have no children. We do have a "home away from home" 2 to 3 hours away, near the Allegheny National Forest.
    I enjoy reading many kinds of books, playing on the Internet, etc. I used to enjoy bowling, but the arthritis in my hands is not allowing me to do that anymore. So, like you, I enjoy bowling and other games online!
    I joined TBD1 in February 08, and TBDNing last summer, I've been here awhile. Guess I just wasn't posting where you noticed.
    I have trouble sitting doing nothing too - always have a book in my hands when I'm not on the computer.
  • Goldilocks46

    I like the Brain Games and other games on Eons; George discovered the Mind Jolt games app on My Atlantis, and he is doing very well on them! He likes the Pogo site and Addicting Games site as well as the games on Eons.
    I've tried crocheting without much success. I like to embroider with wool thread, like crewel work stitchery. It's much more forgiving (and fluffs out more for filling in) than the thread used in regular embroidery.
    George and I really enjoy being retired. I love not having to get up at 5 AM anymore! George still gets up early, he's a morning person.
    Yes, I remember RC Cola and Moonpies! Do you remember Dixie Cups? :-D
    My real name is Mary Alice Evan.
  • Patricia Harbauer

    Kati - Have we talked before? I have talked to so many great people on TBD - my mind can't keep up!!
  • animak

    Hi Patricia. Haven't seen you for a while.
  • Patricia Harbauer

    Hi! Dot!
    I apologize, again, for not writing much lately. I am glad you understand!!
    They have moved Mom to a room nearer the front of the building - closer to everything ... hopefully, that will make a difference. I was told her roommate is a "go-getter" ... maybe she can get Mom moving again!!!
    I know she is safe - but, that is not the problem. She won't "leave me alone". Yesterday, she left 7 voicemails on my cell - and all she wanted was for me to find a specific pair of slacks and blouse amongst all that stuff we had!!! There is no way!!! Everything is packed and it's going to take me a bit to even find her winter stuff when the time comes. I don't think she understands what we went through!!!!
    This is my umteenth sciatica problem. I've had them for a long time. I take vitamin C - and that doesn't help .... the doctor I had originally said I had a weak back ... and any stress could cause the problem. Now, with the blood thinner - I just have to plow through the pain until it stops. There is nothing I can take to help. I sit on a heating pad and stand for a long time under a HOT shower - that's about all I can do.
    I dont WANT to do too much - but, who else can do the work??? And, no, she still doesn't know why we had 6 garbage runs in 3 days!!!! Acording to her, she didn't have much!!!! Right!!!!!
    We DO have AC in the camper .... but, like you, I hope it's nice. I would like to be able to sit outside in the evening and enjoy the sounds and the fresh air!!! And, I don't have to worry about phone calls . Where we go the phone doesn't work - we're kinda' in a "hole" ...... quiet!!!!!!!!!!!
    That's about all for now. Need to find something to eat - then I'm going to get into the shower. And, then collapse. I'm still really tired. It's going to take a while to get this old body back to what it was!!! (lol)

    Hope to hear from you again soon. Hugs -and a special prayer fora special friend!!! Trish
  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • steve

    Happy birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!