

United States

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In a Relationship
About Me:
The world outside the box is much vaster than the world inside. from B A F

From Robert Hunter:
What a long, strange trip it's been!

From Samuel Beckett:
gogo: Well. Shall we go?
didi: Yes. Let us go.
They do not move.

Comment Wall:

  • belle054

    Thank you Mak!! You're just awesome! (((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))
  • Patricia Harbauer

    Hi! Animak! I have been a member of TBD for a while. I respond to questions that I either know something about or that interest me. I've made a few friends - and I love that - because they are people who understand our timeframe!!! I love music - especially classical - and, of course, the 50's and 60's .... I'm a great fan of the 40's big band music (met Count Basie years ago). As far as country music - you have to go back to people like Hank Williams(sr) ... who is the best (I have all his music) ... Ernie Ford, Portor Wagoner ... to me that's country music - what I grew up with. I am an avide movie goer ... my hobby is crocheting. Maybe we can talk once in a while. My hubby and me (of 43 years) also like to go camping in the spring, summer and fall .....
  • Patricia Harbauer

    The only music I don't like at all is rap and most of what I hear the kids listening to today. All it sounds like, to me, is noise. My hubby is 85% deaf - and most of the time he can hear it!!! That's bad!!!! I'd rather listen to classical (Mozart is my favorite) than any other music. We have XM in the cars - and that's the station it's usually on! Thankfully, hubby likes it, too!!!
    Where do you live? I'm in central Illinois - have lived here all my life ... and, can you believe ..... I've NEVER been to Chicago!!!! Honestly!!!
    I imagine you're retired, like we are .... what did you do before? I worked as a data input operator for IDOT for 35 years - hubby was a mechanic for 45 years.
    Hope to talk again soon .......
  • Baia

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a wonderful day and continues on into the weekend and the rest of my life, I'll bet. Haven't won the lottery yet, but intend to live as if.
  • Chez moi

    I do enjoy your pithy comments.

  • belle054

    Hi Mak!! I'm around...exploring Atlantis. Have a wonderful day! xox

  • kainsworth

    Wow, you made your comment at 11:11 last night. I hope you made a wish.
  • caseyjo

    Hi Mak....I'm working in my beautiful yard...Tons of stuff to do after the cold winter....Now I am concentrating on what to do about my citrus trees... they have some sort of fungus problem, so I came inside to check out citrus tree problems on-line... Hopefully it is a treatable thing. How are you these days?
  • Aggie

    Spring time in Texas! by WS
  • caseyjo

    One thing you can always count on in life..It will change Mak....:)
  • Laura

    Hi Ani :-) I miss ya!!! I am composing an email in my head...I will use my awesome powers to get it to you via telepathy (or yahoo) tomorrow... hugs!
  • Mary

    Hey darlin, no worries I do understand........and don't worry about it........but it's good to see u once and a while.....:)
  • thallygal

    Heya my friend, thanks for stopping by and saying hello....good to see ya
    Hope your week is filled with love and laughter
  • kainsworth

    Yay! You're still around here too. :) I notice you didn't disagree with the elderberry remark.
  • Mary

  • kainsworth

    I think I'm too lazy for the world domination thing. I went with lunch instead.
  • kainsworth

  • Mary

  • Patricia Harbauer

    Sorry, Animack ..... I know I haven't chatted in a while. We finally got my Mom settled in the nursing home ... then, it took hubby and me 3 days to get her one-room apartment cleaned out. I've never seen such a mess!! I packed 6 x-large space bags with nothing but clothes - and we had 6 large boxes of "garbage" in those 3 days!!! It was bad for me - because, now, my back is "out" .... I have sciatica - and am in a great deal of pain. I can't take anything for it because of the blood thinner I use - so I'm going to have to "tough it out"!!!! I hope I'm ok by the 26th ... I want to go camoping. I'll try to write more often - please keep in touch to remind me you're here!!! Talk with you later ..... Trish
  • kainsworth

  • caseyjo

    Hi Animak..Whatever happened to your documentary?
  • Apposite

    Where ya been? The world at MA needs your kind now. Many have left; guess you saw some of the writing on the wall - too much censorship for me now - Diana, Maricel, Slayer Dug, Suise, all gone. Snagg, Kooner, Casey Jo all kicked off!
  • caseyjo

    Still wondering about that documentary & you...I sure do hope you got a chance to do some more work on it.Hope all is well with you.......K
  • willie

    Hope you are well...miss you on FB!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Apposite

    Still around? Miss you on Facebook, Still talk to your brother Randy from time to time. I've been on the book club here lately. Teaching in Wainwright Alaska