
73, Male

Largo, FL

United States

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The fortune cookie said: "You are doomed to be happy in marriage".

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  • Angharad

    Nipple tweaking lines can move pretty fast...

  • Angharad

  • Angharad

    Hadn't heard from you in a while, Bubba--I figured you were up to some mischief with Dee. :>)

    But, just now, DD called to say she had read on Facebook that as of the 10th you had been in the ICU. No word since then, she says.

    Sending a massive wave of prayers and good vibes your way right this second, as is DD. I'll rally my friends for a big prayer push in the morning (it's 1am). You'll be glowing firmly in the center of my meditations until I hear that you are out of the woods. Even then, you and Dee will remain in all my prayers. You feel like family.

    So much love and good energy to you both, Bubba! XOXOXOXOXOX

  • Angharad

    WHEW!!!!! Am I relieved!!!

    Thank you SO much for your note, Tee! 

    Yes, DD called me several hours ago to say she had spoken to you. It felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my chest. 

    You've been through the ringer. You're one tough, resilient guy with a purpose. So, rest, rest, rest, and get your strength back, Bubs. I'm gonna believe that was your last unpleasant surprise for many years to come!

    LOVE and good vibes to you and your wonderful Dee.  XOXOXOXOX

  • Angharad

    Hey, Bubba! I see your green light glowing!

    Blowing kisses!

  • Angharad

    Just read your note.

    Yup, I guess there's an up side to most everything!

    Hopefully, once you get through the current raft of stuff it will be relatively smooth sailing for a while. Fingers and toes crossed.

    Hugs and kisses and anything else that sounds appealing. :>)

  • Angharad

    Hahahaha. That qualifies as "anything else that sounds appealing."

    For both of us!

  • Angharad

    Here's a kiss just for you.

    *According to the Ning guidelines of proper decorum and decency, I was compelled to crop this photo severely. All attorney fees for residual infringements will be paid for by the Free the Tatas Foundation (FTTF).

  • Angharad


    Yikes, you've got my attention!

    Is that part of the formula for a happy marriage?

  • Aggie

    A lady in Houston was asking about you today.

  • Aggie

    The nice lady is doing much better also.

  • Angharad

  • Aggie

  • Angharad

    Wow! The British Invasion! 

    Takes me back to sitting excitedly in a theater with my best friend waiting for A Hard Day's Night to begin.

    I'll see you the Yardbirds and raise you:


  • Aggie

  • Angharad

    Funkay! John was a sexy beast back then.

    Pass that medicinal herb...

  • Angharad

    Happy Halloween, Bubs!!!

  • Angharad

  • Angharad

    I heard from DD, Bubs, and I'm thinking about you. I'm believing this will be a short stay and that the docs will get their s**t together and put an end to those nasty bug mothertruckers. 

    This song came to mind for us both. You and I are stubborn, tenacious, SOBs and we get it right eventually.  :>)  XOXOXOXOX

  • Angharad

  • Angharad

    And sometimes, it's just being alive...

  • Angharad

    OMG--YOU HANDSOME DEVIL!!!!! You look absolutely fantastic!!!

    I think the short hair and beard and glasses are très sexy! Dee's going to have to get a crossbow to keep the stampeding women at bay.

    My heart is soaring that you look so well, Bubba--you truly look healthy and 20 years younger. Thanks to the doctors for their care, but mostly to you for your strength and positive attitude and determination to be well, and dearest Dee for her huge love, courage, and steadfast heart.

    Seeing you has made me HAPPY!!!

    (And I love what you posted on my page. It's a great and important message.)


  • P.A.

    You are looking much better. Good to see hair on your head.
  • Angharad

    Woooohooooo! I am walking around ecstatic for you! I'm so glad you're feeling good most days!

    The 30-pound weight loss looks great on you, Bubs!

    Hahaha! Weight loss can be a positive side effect of all those surgeries and treatments. Unless I was already too skinny, I used to plan my surgeries around special events so my weight loss could get me into that extra special gown. THAT'S how vain a woman can be!!!

    I used to keep hand weights by my bed to counteract the "stick" arms, but I'm not sure that would be good for you until you're totally healed. I'll give you some of my booty if you'll trade me the rest of your "man boobs."  I'm aspiring to be like DD before I croak--loooong way to go. :>)


  • Angharad

    We'll love you skinny or not, short hair or long, Bubs. We'd love you with three eyes and a prehensile tail. In fact, we might love you more with a prehensile tail... :>)

    Healthy just looks darned good on you!

    And, thanks for the compliment. 

    P.S.--You ain't kiddin' about DD.

  • Angharad

    You looked great then, and I think you look even better now!

  • The Dyslexic Dodger

    Happy Thanksgiving Bubby and Dee!  smooooch


  • Angharad

    And here's what I looked like looooooooooong ago:

    I'm the topless, short one with the curly 'fro.

    I've gotten taller and have straight hair. :>)

  • Angharad

  • funesthememorious

  • officerripley

    Thx 4 the comment to my page, TeeBub; hope your Thanksgiving was good & you're doing ok. I haven't been on TeeBeeDee much lately, hopefully I will have more time soon.

  • officerripley

    Hi, TeeBub, sorry its taken me so long to comment back, evrythings ok with me, just too busy, hope you,re ok too.

  • Angharad

    Haven't heard from you in about a week, Bubba. I hope all is moving along well and that you're away from this infernal machine--haha--and out having fun!


  • Angharad

    Oh, Tee, let's kick those damned bugs in the ass once and for all. 

    We're all working on it!!!

    BIG LOVE, 


  • Angharad

    I just looked through your pictures, as I often do--what WONDERFUL new additions from your get-together, your trip to DD's, and all the others! Now THAT'S our Bubba--one fabulous love muffin, loving and being loved.

    Thanks for the happy images and emotional lift.


  • The Dyslexic Dodger

    Bubba heard you aren't feeling well, Whats up? concerned smooch..

  • The Dyslexic Dodger


  • Aggie

  • Angharad

    You've slipped under the radar again, Bubba. How are you doing??

  • Angharad

    Where'd you get that picture of me for your avatar?? :>)

    You're a bulldog too. Clamp those big jaws onto those damned bugs and worry 'em, Bubs! I'll be biting their asses.

    I feel your frustration about those pesky antibiotic resistant mother fuggers. I've had a few such run-ins. Have the docs conjectured about what's up? Do they think it's old pockets of bacteria they're not flushing out or new infections?

    Being a nag now :>)...be sure to do everything that supports your immune system and nothing that challenges it. No booze, for instance, as appealing as it would be right now. This is Mama Auto-immune Disease talking here....

    I want you well for my Christmas present!


  • Aggie

  • Angharad

  • WS

    Merry Christmas!

  • funesthememorious

  • flippr 2.0

  • The Dyslexic Dodger

    Merry Christmas Bubby

  • Angharad

    Happy Hogmanay, Bubba!

    (Even though black bun is a Scottish dish, it's really only fruit in there... :>)

  • Angharad

    Yooooooooowhoooooooooooo!  :>) 

  • The Dyslexic Dodger

    Deerest Bubs I cannot remember iif I thanked you and DEe for the beautiful flowers. My thinking is mixed up They are beautiful and make me smile. Plaese tel Dee that I love them. I love you both.


                                                                         baby sister 

  • Angharad

    How are you, Bubba? Haven't heard from you in a while. Any new developments?

    DD is improving quickly and steadily. She's so determined to be well. She's amazing. She and I have been discussing how, for once, her dyslexia may actually be working for her--that beautiful brain is so used to making new and creative connections every day that we think it's just rolled up its little sleeves and pitched in. Hooray!

    So much love to you and Dee and Diego. <3