Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

M4V 2S3


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.~Diane Ackerman. I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path. ~ Dalai Lama."Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. --Une Personne Française Anonyme."Ello! Thank you for dropping by to visit. As an (Adult) TCK of the Foreign Service genre ~ and a INTJ for good measure, I'm just another citizen flea (genus: kosmopolitês ) of this savage little planet . One who divides her time between Toronto,On. Raleigh, N.C. and London, England. I use the word "dazzling" in my moniker to honour my late father. It was his nickname for me ( Dazz) when he was happy with me. It reminds me to try and do my very best - mind, most days I'm more zazzle than dazzle."I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." ~Umberto Eco. I Joined TBD1 on July 12th, 2008 (it was founded in Sept. of 2007) and on July 13th, 2009 we migrated to TBD2 ~ on the island of Ning. It's a story. Thank you Robin. Who are "zoomers" ? We are Canadian "boomers" . . . with "ZIP" ! Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZoomerMedia and read all about us!

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  • Slayer Dug

    Line in the "f*cking sand my ass. Fake friends we can do without. I like Kathy Arlene's take :
  • Slayer Dug

    And Kathy Arlene's sound bites to go with are right on the money:
    "Lemmings are kind of cute... and you don't want to get them mad at you... they'll chase you off your rock."

    "I'd rather be a happy lemming than a sour harpy".

    Hell YEAH!!! Since we piss 'em off so much - !!!!! Let's STAY I SAY!!!!
  • Zen Elipsys


    Your page is a little weird, but that's my kinda peeps!
  • kainsworth

  • Maxim Oleksyn

    Take a guess as to which star you are....
  • Assassin

    Ahhh Daz....my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard! And yes, Max will have to share that with me! What a bright part of my day!
    And always remember...A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
  • Earende

    Heehee! Isn't he cute???

    Happy Birthday Dearest Daz! Have a great one!

  • Maxim Oleksyn

    Almost every morning around 8am, we gather to talk about silly stuff like reality tv or gore or just be plain silly. But what a great surprise to see this holiday! You are truly the best and I want to take this time to say what an honor it is to have YOU as my friend.

  • Assassin

    Geez! How many birthdays do you have??? (This usually gets people to tell me their age....(snicker)...

  • Felicia

  • Rigor

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Om my Goooooooooooooooooooooodness ! Hahahahahahahaha ! Thank you everyone - but it's April 12th not August 12th ! I must have typed it in wrong somehow !!! (Maybe I always wanted to be a Leo? )

    I had the dumb. But birthday surprises are always fun - and since you lot were not there on April 12th - August 12th will do just fine! Thank you!!!

    In the mean time if you all will just excuse me - I have a dimension I have to manage . . . it's called infinite regression! Catch y'all on the flip side . . . and if I have a headache - you will understand. Please bring Vodka.

    Oh.......... this is extremely embarrassing - two birthdays in a year. Ack!

  • WS

    Thanks for stopping by. Wow! Your TBD page has changed. It looks nice! (It looked nice before too!
  • Aggie

    I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
  • Aggie

  • Mikayla

    My dear, sweet friend....You look absolutely wonderful and so happy!!  I have not been here for over a year but, got a message from Aggie so, I stopped and saw you and wanted to say "Hey" and make it your best year ever!!!

    Love ya girlfriend,

    Rose (Mikayla)

  • caseyjo

    <a href="http://s436.photobucket.com/albums/qq88/Godsmack_Girl/odd%20art%20work/?action=view&amp;current=swings.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq88/Godsmack_Girl/odd%20art%20work/swings.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>...Hi Diana..Miss seeing you around..Hope you are feeling alright......Kathy
  • funesthememorious

    So glad to see your smiling face here!
  • caseyjo

    Happy Valentines Day Diana......HEART BUBBLES Pictures, Images and Photos
  • stillgoing

    You cute little trouble maker, being delete from MA is a reason for another tatto.LOL
  • LadyWindy

    Thanks Dazzling Z, Some really amazing people on here!  Have a beautiful day!
  • Slayer Dug

  • Angharad

    Happy Birthday, Fellow Aries! XOXOXOXOXOXOX 
  • D. D. Olson

    Happy Birthday!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Sometimes, one simply has to take a stand. Even if one stands alone. When others espouse a certain "creed'   yet repeatedly contradict themselves by their aggravated and belligerent actions contrary to same, someone has to take action. I did. I protested.  And further protested. Politely.  And of course, was eliminated in a subversive manner under a cloud of accusations and innuendo.  Fine. No problem with that. However it fascinates me that my name is being used in vain - or is being applauded, high on three weeks later.  I must have struck a deep underwater nerve.  Well and good.  Water is a fine conductor of electricity.  N'est pas?
  • kainsworth

    And the Happiest of Birthdays to you, my love. I look forward to spending time with you sooooon. (Will let you know my schedule as it opens up.) Love you much, enjoy your day and the woman that you are. <3


  • funesthememorious

    Happy Birthday Diana.


    She dates someone by the name of Slayer

    Who I am sure will not ever dismay her,

    From MyAtlantean lore

    We've heard before

    She is quite the articulate and honest player.

  • Maricel Evasco

    May your birthday year bring you much joy and happiness!!



  • stillgoing

    OMG you're having a birthday here too. Its just too much.


    But still happy day or week as the case may be....


  • Snagg

    I've figured out how I'm going to make my first fortune. I'm going to start selling cheap pullovers that say "I Got Blackballed From My Atlantis And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt.....And The Admiration Of Millions."


    Happy B-Day, Zoom. MA's loss is...I was going to say "our gain", but that's too obvious. Howzabout, "MA's loss is...A FOREGONE CONCLUSION"?

  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday, Diana!
  • Angharad

    magical spirit...

    irresistible as wind

    bright as diamonds



  • stillgoing

    Thank you Diana. Glad you survived the weekend unscathed. It looked pretty ugly on the news.


  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Got Kolaches!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Goldilocks46

    I hope you had a wonderful day, Diana!


    happy birthday
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Angharad

    You must no longer be visiting us much, Oh Sparkly One. I miss my Aries Sister but, hopefully, you're on to more exciting climes. 

    I hope your life has been a great fireball of fun and new experiences since we talked last. You'll make it that way, of course, just by being you.

    Kisses to you DZGD and swirling cosmic winds of good vibes.

    Sister A. XOXOXOXOX

  • Aggie

    Howdy and welcome back!

  • Aggie


  • Angharad

    Welcome back, our Dizzyingly Dazzling Dazzy!!!

    It has been quiet here. Now that you're back, I'm sure things will get a little livelier.

  • Goran

  • Goran

  • Goldilocks46

    Thank you, Diana!

  • Devin Mills

    Thanks so much for your comment, Diana!  I'm so glad you like http://datinginthemiddleages.com. and I'd love a little help letting people know Dating In The Middle Ages exists!  

    I do have a FB page for the show.  it is http://facebook.com/datinginthemiddleages, I'm on you tube as well:  http://youtube.com/datinginthemiddleage (no "s" at the end)  and my Twitter handles are

    http://twitter.com/datingwebseries and http://twitter.com/imdevinmills.  

    Your timing is great!  I'm on a radio show today with handsome Matthew Ashford (from Days of our LIves) at 3 pm. PST...here is link     http://soapcentral.com/radio/news/2013/130920-ditma_dtag.php  

    call in number is 866.472.5788 for guests.  

    And finally, I've attached most recent episode of "DITMA" here:  (embeded code below but if you can't see it here is link) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KaH4H8on6I  

    Again, thanks so much!  I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!  Best, Devin

  • Goran

  • Angharad

  • Angharad

    Merry Christmas, Sister! Excitement, new experiences, happiness, and boundless energy coming your way! XOXOXOXOX A.

  • Angharad

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, you beautiful girl!