
72, Female

Sanford, FL

United States

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Still crazy after all these years...crazy after all these years...Still crazy after all these years

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  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    I never was very good at rope tricks.  I did a lot of research on Will Rogers for a report.  Also dated Will Rogers great niece's room mate in college back in 1979.
  • funesthememorious

    Oh no!!! You dealt me the Dead Man's Hand.
  • Aggie

    Yes, first person on a social network in person met turned out we worked at same company in 1979.
  • funesthememorious

  • Quinn

  • Snagg

    You got to hear yer song last night, right?
  • LLL

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too Caseyjo :0)
  • Maricel Evasco

    CaseyJo, thank you for the Valentine greeting. I liked the photo.  I hope yesterday was a nice day for you too.  <3  Mari

  • Apposite

    You're welcome Casey Jo, and remember "If you're not making waves, you're not paddlin!"
  • Slayer Dug

    'Ello there!!! Hope this finds you in good health and good spirits!!!
  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • Maricel Evasco

    Caseyjo, thx for the belated birthday wish. I missed your postings.  =-)
  • Aggie

    Howdy, Aggie hug!
  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Goldilocks46

    Please stay, caseyjo.  TBD wouldn't be the same without you!
  • Goldilocks46

    You're welcome, caseyjo!

    George and I are doing well, good stuff has been happening in our RL, keeping us busy.

    I'm very glad you're staying!

  • Vernon Windsor

    Are you trying to say I'm full of bull, caseyjo? ;-)

    Reindeer Dippin' was the name of the bull. Good to from you. Happy to see powwow season.

  • Goldilocks46

    Thank you, caseyjo!  You have a good week, too!
  • d's girl

    The poem that's been on my mind so far this week...

    one of my guy's faves...

    This Is Just To Say

    by William Carlos Williams

    I have eaten
    the plums
    that were
    in the icebox

    and which
    you were
    probably saving
    for breakfast

    Forgive me
    they were delicious
    so sweet
    and so cold


  • d's girl

    well, our states do touch; that's neighbors of sorts, right? '-)

    And yes, my guy does have great taste in poems - he's so passionate about it - he has over 130 books of poetry! I'll go find the very first poem he shared w/me, right after we met. It really touched me. William Carlos Williams is one of his favorite poets. Rumi & Hafiz are my favorites.

  • d's girl

    here it is. sigh...


    James Wright

    A Blessing

    Just off the highway to Rochester, Minnesota,
    Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass.
    And the eyes of those two Indian ponies
    Darken with kindness.
    They have come gladly out of the willows
    To welcome my friend and me.
    We step over the barbed wire into the pasture
    Where they have been grazing all day, alone.
    They ripple tensely, they can hardly contain their happiness
    That we have come.
    They bow shyly as wet swans. They love each other.
    There is no loneliness like theirs.
    At home once more,
    They begin munching the young tufts of spring in the darkness.
    I would like to hold the slenderer one in my arms,
    For she has walked over to me
    And nuzzled my left hand.
    She is black and white,
    Her mane falls wild on her forehead,
    And the light breeze moves me to caress her long ear
    That is delicate as the skin over a girl’s wrist.
    Suddenly I realize
    That if I stepped out of my body I would break
    Into blossom.


  • funesthememorious

    Hoping all is well.
  • michael clubb

    good luck on your sonogram tomorrow. It must be scarey as hell.


  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • Aggie

    No matter how good a friend is, they are going to hurt us every once in a while. All we must do is learn to forgive. And forget.
  • Aggie

  • caseyjo

    It's too bad a born again Christian killed him.
  • Angharad

    Sending waves of positive energy...Thank GOD they can't charge us for that...Ha!
  • Angharad

    Love your photos, BTW...
  • Apposite

    Hi Casey - Still friends but can disagree on historical interpretation? - I like that!:) Some can't. I've been away for the summer in a rural backwoods environment where online access was limited. I got a lot of reading done as well as actual work like a garden, fence posts, and even pulled a number of stumps off the property. Hope all is well and good in part of the world. --- My best 2U:) --- Apposite



  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • Merry

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!
  • Merry

    What a nice surprise to hear from you. I was wondering how you are doing. Whatever you do, don't forget to drink something uncafienated the caffiene will make you more run down. The more you can drink the better. If you love drinking water, you should do alright. Things like pudding, jello and ice cream are liquids too. I think they should hydrate more with saline IVs but that's just me. Rooting for you Caseyjo!!

  • Tim E

    Thanks for posting on my page, caseyjo.  I didn't quite get the "Not" part, in context, but even if it means the worst, there is still a transparent and honest-hearted quality that I like in you.  As long as you keep being your true self, which I have no doubt you will, I will always like that quality in you.  


    Yeah, I haven't been coming around much.  But in the last couple weeks I've peeked in a few times to see if anything grabbed my interest.  A couple things did this time, including your post on my page.  I hope you are doing well, and I know you are being a true-per. 

  • Merry

    Went to sleep last night thinking about you and woke up this morning knowing that I had to check in. It was so frustrating last night. I was in the Christmas spirit and wanted to make all these ornaments and decorations for my first grandchild's second Christmas and got on the older computer that's hooked up to the printer and promptly proceeded to print out 41 pages of sheet music to make Victorian fans out of instead of 4. Fortunately I also have a pattern for ornament boxes that can be made with this stuff. If you want some paper to play with , let me know!!!! The stupid printer just went nuts with printing this stuff, oh wait no that was me going nuts..LOLOL



    Wish I was there to help out.


    If you want some arts and crafts goodies , I can whip up a care package for you.



  • Merry

    Would you believe that I'm making fridge magnets out of Darling Clementine boxes? I dismantle them and use the printed side of the wood. Don't forget to drink some water.


    Your friend,



  • Hippy

  • Merry

    I'd like to fill up one of those flat rate boxes so I need to know what your favorite materials are. Maybe you have some pics of what you make. Extra Big Hugs brave woman.
  • russell albright

    I enjoy sharing  people and time with others
  • Merry

    Hey there!! Thinking of you.

    <3 Mary

  • Aggie

  • Aggie

    Copy code then Paste to Site

  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!

  • Aggie

    Six-pack of Texas Wildflowers.


  • TeeBubbaDee

    Did ever tell you how much I loved you?

  • Goldilocks46

    we remember them poem
  • funesthememorious

  • Angharad

    Sending love vibrations up that stairway to you, Kathy. May the new morning be brighter than anything you ever experienced here.

    Endless sunshine and flowers and laughter.

    See you again...