

Springfield, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Bicycling, Swimming, Body-Generated Magnetic Field Cell Phone Depletion, Exotic/Ethnic/So-Hot-It'll-Melt-Yer-Face-Off Cooking, Tectonic Mass Manipulation, Assuming The Worst, Blundering into Bank Robberies, Spoiling my Fiancee Rotten, Spoiling our Cat Rotten, Scaring the Neighbors, Hand-To-Hand Combat with Poison Ivy, Drinking the Good Stuff, Splendiferous Obstreperosity, the First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Charming the Little Birdies Right Outta the Sky, Stumbling Across Anti-Ergonomic Implementations, Driving like a Bastard, Bitchin' Tunes at Top Volume, Lurking/Jabbering on the Internet, and the occasional Wee Spot o' Sage Advice

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  • kainsworth

  • d's girl

  • d's girl

    you're just jealous. ;-p
  • d's girl

    methinks thou doest protest too much.

    hehehe..... '-)
  • d's girl

    hey, there!
  • d's girl

  • d's girl


    how are they?
  • d's girl

    Wow, we're in line gastronomically this week.... I've made guacamole twice this week, and have been so jonesing for green chiles that I stopped & bought some today & made black beans just to put green chiles in something!
  • d's girl

    I like classic & stripped down, too.
  • d's girl

    you're a quick one. '-)
  • d's girl

    my, my.... methinks thou doest protest too much.

    I meant clever, quick on your feet, like that....

  • d's girl

    You're such a boy.
  • Chez moi

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • d's girl

    Hey, Snagg. Happy weekend.
  • Quinn

    Thanks for the "Nerfday" wishes :-)
  • Quinn

    ♪♫♪ HaPpY BiRtHdAy To YoU, HaPpy BiRtHdAy tO yOu, HaPpY bIrThDaY dEaR SnAgGy, HaPpY BiRtHdAy To YoU...aNd MaNy MoRe ♪♫♪
  • Quinn

    Let's not get carried away.
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • WS

    I stick out like a sore thumb, but my hair is brown and short!
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Can you guess what my costume is gonna be this year?
    (hint... I lead a sheltered life)

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Snagg, as long as I have known you, you have never been wrong. OK, it's late and that's probably the beer talking.
  • d's girl

    Au contraire, mr. snagg. '-)
  • TeeBubbaDee

    I think I like this galaxy better!! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday.

  • J Lee S

    Hey Snagg. I don't get over here much really but I'm glad I stopped in to see that you stopped by. Thanks man. ;)
  • d's girl

    Wishing you...

    Hope for the future

    Abundance of love

    Peace in your life & in our world

    Prosperity for you to thrive

    Years filled with joy & gratitude

  • Vernon Windsor

    Thanks Snagg. Hope you have a good year.
  • J Lee S

    Well, you finally went and done it!! LMAO!! I know you knew what you were doing.
  • J Lee S

    I do believe you are correct. Boothby is currently at a loss to understand what happened as your very last post was deleted. I really did think you were going Kamikaze on that one. I wonder if it is against the rules for me to talk about you, with you, here at TBDNing? Oh wells, Hells Bells. Think I will survive. So, 3 days and you are back? ;)
  • funesthememorious

    Tsk tsk Snagg. We are all very proud of you though. I'm going for a Kafkaesque theme on that MA discussion now, but I also want to leave another comment for our special handicapped friend.
  • funesthememorious

    Forgot to mention - I caught about the first hour of your show last night. Really enjoyable.
  • d's girl

    well, then, might I offer you a different avatar? I hate to break this to you, Snagg, but right now.... you blend.


    this one's pretty weird....

    ...or this one-

  • Nadezda Aleksinskaya

    In am not really a drummer but I do take lessons once a week and have that whole huge thing called the drums at home. But it's not the very important part of my life.

  • funesthememorious

    Howizit I haven't received any Baby Rattles or Toilet Paper gifts from you like Sunshine aka Rainin aka Mary Ellen sent me? I guess you just don't like me as much as she does!
  • funesthememorious

    Just made it back from dinner in time to hear the Joe Tex tune - she was dancing around the room ( probably from too much wine ). Fantastic.
  • caseyjo

    Happy Valentines Day Snagg.......HEART BUBBLES Pictures, Images and Photos
  • caseyjo

    Dang-it....By the time I remembered to tune in It was too late....I'm so sorry I missed it....:(......Your show is full of surprises. You really do know how to dig up some interesting tunes & I was looking forward to Sunday's show.......Thanks for playing my song Snagg...:)....Kathy
  • Jaylee53

    Just the reference to the MA stuff...Not you though..   Just noticed a "new" member and a reference to that place.
  • Ellen Apocalyptic

    I was banned from MA after a few days, apparently for making the offhand remark 'damn, white folk are sure strange' 


    Are we playing 20 questions?

    Are you John Boy? 

  • funesthememorious

    I just don't have the intestinal stability to find a picture of Michael Bolton and post it here.
  • d's girl

    Do Left People ever blame you for stuff you DID do? I'm happy to blame you for something. Whatcha wanna be blamed for?
  • d's girl

    lol & *gigglesnort*! '-)

    Thanks for bein' so compassionate & easy on me, considering my butt & all.

    ...somehow there was more dignity in it when I thought it was my hip.


    (It's getting better, just fyi '-)

  • BethD

    She is a dog at the kennel I work at for  a german Shepherd dog breeder.

    She is my favorite. I love her soft long coat and out of all the dogs she has the prettiest eyes i ever saw.

  • Karen Bear

    News Flash!!

  • Karen Bear

    Hope you have a good week!
  • Slayer Dug

    This was too funny not to post in your comment box....


  • funesthememorious

    Hi Snagg,


    I left a comment this morning in the MyAtlantis Shitting Down Q&A thread after your discussion with Tim:


    Snagg 7

    God 0


  • J Lee S

  • funesthememorious

    Isn't it just grand that they all can be re-born over here as even more sanctimonious frauds.
  • Merry

    Hello old bean, nice to see you are here.