Judy Wright


United States

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  • kainsworth

  • Bull

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Easter Judy!!

  • Goldilocks46

    Hey! (Click Me)
  • Goldilocks46

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Hey! (Click Me)
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hi Judy, I'm still kickin. Just not quite as high as I used to. ;-) Dee has to have both knees scoped next week. Torn cartilage in one, and some type of extra tissue? in the other. Other than that, not much really going on. What do you think about ning turning into a "pay" site? As long as it is reasonable, I think I will be willing to cough up some cash to stay. Guess it just depends on how much. Hows things in your neck of the weeds? Good I hope!!
  • Bull

    Judy I do miss Yours

    Comments by ZingerBug.com
  • Aggie

    Spring Time in Texas! by WS
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Hump Day!

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Chez moi

    How delicious to see your face on my page!

    Thank you for stopping by.
  • Chez moi

    Thanks, Judy, Happy Earth Day to you, too!
    Here's the part of the earth where I come from.

  • Jolene

    Thank you Judy

    Happy Earth Day to you also
  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Jolene

    Good Weekend Comments

    You to Judy
  • Chez moi

    Gloves for my foxy friend!

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Thanks Judy, But this weekend is going to be hectic. Dee had both knees operated on this morning. Bad cartilage and some bone spurs that had to be removed. We just got home a little while ago. It too almost 10 minutes for us to get from the van to the couch!!
  • P.A.

    thank you Judy. We miss you being around like you used to be.
  • Bull

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Thanks Judy, She literally could not walk when we got home, but has made amazing progress. Just hoping progress will continue tomorrow.
  • Dallas

    Enjoy the weekend, Ms. Judy !
  • Quinn

  • kainsworth

    Hope you had a great weekend, Judy. Peace. ;)
  • Aggie

    Aggie hug!
  • Aggie

    Latest addition to the family, Bambi Aggie!
  • Aggie

    Springtime on the farm in Texas!
  • Chez moi

    Happy June, Judy! It's strawberry season...

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Thanks Judy, The WiFi here at the hospital has been on and off, (mostly off) for the past 3 days. Kinda a pain in the butt. First surgery went fine last week, and biggie surgery is tomorrow.
  • TeeBubbaDee

    I'm doing well Judy, thanks for asking. Still some pain, and have to wear an abdominal binder, but all in all, pretty good. I see the surgeon next week for a follow up, and then plan on heading back to FL so I can be with my sweetie.
  • Bull

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Belated 4TH Judy!!
  • Aggie

    Wendy the cow mowed my yard on Saturday.
  • Aggie

    Elsie says Howdy!
  • Aggie

    Wendy the cow has always had a pale face. Here shown with Sandy the blonde cow.
  • Bull

    As I do of you often.
    Be well
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hi Judy, I flew back to Oh. to have the surgeon have a look. I saw him for about 3 minutes. He sent me for a cat scan, and told me to come back. Well, by the time I got back to the office, the only person there was the kid that took my blood pressure and temp when I first arrived. He said my Dr. was in surgery, but that he could call. He was told surgeon check the scan and call back. Wait 30 minutes, no call back. The kid called again and talked to a nurse, and she said she would call back. Wait another 30 minutes, phone rings, kid answers, says OK, hangs up. Then he tells me the scan was fine and that I could go home. No explanaitation why I am getting bigger, no explanation why it it warm to the touch. I am not scheduled to see him again for a couple of months, so maybe I can get more than 3 minutes of his time then. The bad news is just that he didn't have enough time to answer my questions. The good news is that the CAT scan can back fine. I guess it boils down to the fact that I trusted this guy to cut me open again, so I guess I have to trust him that I am OK.
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Thanks Judy. (((HUGS))) right back atcha!!!!
  • TeeBubbaDee

  • TeeBubbaDee

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hi Judy, Good to hear from you. Kinda lonley around here these days. I'm doing fine and hope you and yours are doing the same.
    Peace, Love, and Monster Hugs!
  • Goldilocks46

    An early Happy Birthday to you! Hope it will be a great year!

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Aggie

    I hope you can find your turkey and share it with family and friends.
  • Aggie

    Santa's new helper.
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Good to hear from one of the best origional TBD'ers. Peace to you and yours for this holiday season!!!
  • Aggie

  • Quinn

  • TeeBubbaDee

    Hi Cutie, Hope you have a Happy New Year!!!



  • TeeBubbaDee

  • Goldilocks46

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