
Haramaya, Dire Dawa Region.


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  • Samaa Sax

    to my dear friend and a very special person...
    I have this small gift for you, and I wish you will like it..

    "....We need to find God, and God cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature--trees and flowers and grass--grow in silence. See the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence. The more we receive in silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life....."

    by Mother Teresa

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    My Dear Dr. B.J OJO, My friend, You danced across my mind today, again I should say! I pray and hope that you are well, heart full and spirit light, Many Blessings, Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    Dear B.J
    and for you, I picked this one for you....

    As we walk our path of life,
    We meet people everyday.
    Most are simply met by chance.
    But, some are sent our way.
    These become special friends
    Whose bond we can't explain;
    The ones who understand us
    And share our joy and pain.
    Their love contains no boundaries.
    So, even we are apart.
    Their presence enhances us
    With a warmth felt in the heart.
    This love becomes a passageway,
    When even the miles disappear.
    And so, these friends, God sends our way,
    Remain forever near.

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    Please do have a great day!
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    I have wept in the night
    for the shortness of sight
    that to somebody's need made me blind;
    But I never have yet
    Felt a tinge of regret for being a little to kind.
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    Dear B.J

    "....For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
    For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
    For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
    For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home --
    Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

    For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
    For the cunning and strength of the workingman's hand,
    For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
    For the friendship that hope and affection have brought --
    Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

  • Tina

  • Tina

    I am blessed that you and your family are well, Live Well, Tina
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    ‘Never give up’: A poem by the Dalai Lama

    ”No matter what is going on
    Never give up
    Develop the heart
    Too much energy in your country
    Is spent developing the mind
    Instead of the heart
    Be compassionate
    Not just to your friends
    But to everyone
    Be compassionate
    Work for peace
    In your heart and in the world
    Work for peace
    And I say again
    Never give up
    No matter what is going on around you
    Never give up. »
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina