

Atlanta, GA

United States

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About Me:
I enjoy working out with weights, shadow boxing, jogging, good company, an occasional cigar with a glass of wine, coffee, movies with actual plots, nascar, college football, poetry, a good book, family history, spending time with my children, cycling, snow skiing ...

I own a document destruction business. If you would like to know more about me, please ask.

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  • realteal

    Whoo hoo, you're front page news now.
    Keep smiling, Mark
  • Sedona7

    Take care, strength and peace and SUNSHINE to you!
  • Vickie Vance

    Thanks for the add! Have a great day!!
  • SeaRain

    Congratulations - you are a celeb!

    I noticed you live in Georgia - but you have snow in many pictures?

    And speaking of weather - did you get flooded out this past week?

  • Sedona7

    Hope you are doing great, check out if you get a chance out my page or Dear God for the Utube from Third day...really lifted me up ; ) blessings to you!
  • Sedona7

    Howdy ; ) I missed Third Day this year when they were here, but saw them last year awesome event. They are in your area Sat. the 10th for their Revelation Tour! I used to take Youth Groups to concerts like that because I love to go!
    It's Wed. so lots to be done, go for it and enjoy your day. Hope it brings success with satisfaction, sealed with laughter and hugs from those you love and then a kick back with one of those cigars you like ; )
  • LyndaAndLab

    Health Issues & Disabilities-A Brand New Ongoing Discussion

    1st Topic: "Men And Women Are Different?"
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Annalee Strasburg

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you for contacting me ~ I have added you as a friend!

  • Samaa Sax

    Dear Mark.....
    I picked this one for you...

    That's Life...
    When you say it is simple,
    It says - not as simple as you think!
    When you say it is difficult,
    It says - not as difficult as you think!
    When you say it is beautiful,
    Giving a healthy challenge,it says - are you sure?
    When you say it is pathetic,
    Making things easier, it says - chill dear.
    When you say you know it well,
    It will confuse you and say - you bet!
    When you say - has anyone understood you still ?
    It will comfort you saying, someday maybe you will !
    That's life...
    I am not sure whether I know it,
    But I sure do love it!

    by Bhoomi

  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    The universe is one great kindergarten for man. Everything that exists has brought with it its own peculiar lesson. The mountain teaches stability and grandeur; the ocean immensity and change. Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes~ every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man.
    by Orison Swett Marden

  • Tina

  • LyndaAndLab

    If you are living with lupus, you are no longer "living." You are waiting. Waiting to recover from one flare or for your next one to begin.
    & Elliot
  • Tina

    Dear Mark, I am thinking of you today, hoping that your world is a wonderful place to be, that you are healthy, happy and surrounded by love and tenderness, Blessings to you and to yours Mark, Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • thallygal

  • Tina

  • Tina

  • Tina

    I do pray all is well Mark, Thank you for your positive energies....Blessings, Tina

  • Sedona7

    Missed ya, been in class and crazy life stuff. God is good. Hope all is well with you. Wanted to let you know you were thought of today. Hope you have a great weekend!
  • thallygal

    Get this graphic @

    You have a terrific week filled with love and laughter
  • Tina

  • Sedona7

    You been on my heart lately. Just want you to know. Hope you have a great week and that you and the family are doing well. Consider yourself hugged. Your friend, Me
  • Tina

    Be kinder than necessary
    because everyone you meet

    is fighting some kind of a battle
  • Tina

  • Tina

  • thallygal

  • Tina

    I have wept in the night
    for the shortness of sight
    that to somebody's need made me blind;
    But I never have yet
    Felt a tinge of regret for being a little to kind.
  • LyndaAndLab

  • Carmen Diane Bailey

  • thallygal

  • LyndaAndLab

  • LyndaAndLab

    May you and yours mentor and grow together in the new year, uniting in the most compassionate spirit of Ubuntu.

    Wishing you P-E-A-C-E that takes root in our souls and spreads throughout the worlds foundation.

    "We Can Change The World." Graham Nash
    & Elliot
  • Tina

  • Ladyg

  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday, Mark!

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Goldilocks46

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

    Copy code then Paste to Site
  • Artemis

    May peace rests in your thoughts, in your dreams, and conquer all your fears.
    May God manifest in your life always. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams closer, and your prayers answered, in this coming New Year!
    Namasté ♥
  • Sedona7

    Hey stranger ; ) Hope you had a great Christmas and birthday! Blessings to you. Have an awesome New Year, may it bring you joy, adventure, laughter, love, peace and prosperity. Don't smoke too many cigars on New Years but celebrate.
    Peace n hugs, Deb
  • realteal

    All the best to you, Mark, in the new year.
    Myspace Comments
    Happy New Year Comments
    Myspace 2.0 Layouts
  • Hazel Davis

    Happy New Year, Mark! Hope it's your best yet!
  • Tina

  • Carmen Diane Bailey

  • Carmen Diane Bailey

  • Sedona7

    Thinking of you my friend, hugs and happiness to you. May you feel love around you wherever you are from within and without of friends, family and from your faith.
  • Carmen Diane Bailey