Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

M4V 2S3


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.~Diane Ackerman. I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path. ~ Dalai Lama."Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. --Une Personne Française Anonyme."Ello! Thank you for dropping by to visit. As an (Adult) TCK of the Foreign Service genre ~ and a INTJ for good measure, I'm just another citizen flea (genus: kosmopolitês ) of this savage little planet . One who divides her time between Toronto,On. Raleigh, N.C. and London, England. I use the word "dazzling" in my moniker to honour my late father. It was his nickname for me ( Dazz) when he was happy with me. It reminds me to try and do my very best - mind, most days I'm more zazzle than dazzle."I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." ~Umberto Eco. I Joined TBD1 on July 12th, 2008 (it was founded in Sept. of 2007) and on July 13th, 2009 we migrated to TBD2 ~ on the island of Ning. It's a story. Thank you Robin. Who are "zoomers" ? We are Canadian "boomers" . . . with "ZIP" ! Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZoomerMedia and read all about us!

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  • TeeBubbaDee

    I agree. I refrain from posting on her "CRAP" but had just enough beer in me last night that I had to put my 2 cents worht in. Heck, I may go back and see what I posted!! ;-)
  • RayDane

  • Aggie

    Happy Easter!
  • WS

    Can't sleep, so I'm blogging!
  • WS

    Sounds great, Diana!
  • J Lee S

    Thanks Dazz. Sobriety seems to suit me pretty well. I appreciate you stopping in to say Hi, not many people do anymore, but the ones that do just make me smile like you wouldn't believe.
  • stillgoing

    What sort of naughty business you got in mind?
  • funesthememorious

    Happy Easter Dear Diana.
  • RayDane

  • belle054

    Have a very Happy Easter Di...xoxo.

  • caseyjo

    Hi Diana...Hows everything?..I miss seeing you around, or maybe I don't get around to where you are.....Hope all is well for you.....KSpring Time Pictures, Images and Photos
  • stillgoing

    Yes we definitely need to find something naughty before I get too decrepit to pull it off. You have anything in mind.
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Easter!!

  • Angharad

    Happy Eostar, Easter, Pesach, Hana Matsuri, Baisakhi, month after Mawlid al-Nabi, and month before Latha Bealltainn!!! That should just about cover it...
  • Kittycat

    Hi Dazzling One!!! These little Butts looked sooo special that I just had to pass them on to you... I hope your Easter was wonderful!!!

  • cyndromeda

    yep. ;>)
  • Slayer Dug

    Happy Birthday, my love!!!!
  • Maricel Evasco

  • Goldilocks46

    Happy Birthday, Diana! I hope this will be a great year for you!

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • belle054

    Have a very Happy Birthday! xo

  • Kittycat

    Dazz, Have a wonderful and exciting day! Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

  • Angharad

    Enthusiastic, passionate, expressive, exciting...that's you, my precious Aries sister! Have the happiest birthday ever, Diana! XOXOXOX

  • cyndromeda

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
    Myspace Happy Birthday Graphics
    Birthday Comments
  • D. D. Olson

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day, Diana.
  • animak

    Hey! It's your birthday! Are you doing everything you want to do on your special day? Are you taking this day and making it your own? Have a great one, Dazz!
  • Chez moi

    You're a treasure. Happy Birthday!

  • cyndromeda

    what? which ones?
  • kainsworth

    I love that you are not only lovely, but brilliant as well. Thank you for the perfect post, and much love to you on your day. (((HUGS!!!!)))
  • Snagg

    Happy Birthday.

    Bet you've never heard THAT before, eh?
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

    Red Ribbon
  • WS

    Another birthday!!? Have a good one!!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • thallygal

    Birthday Comments
    ~Magickal Graphics~
    hope u have had great and glorious day
  • caseyjo

    Happy Birthday! Pictures, Images and PhotosHappy Birthday Diana....Kathy
  • stillgoing

    Thank you Diana for the good wishes....at least I'll take that road.
  • Aggie

    Spring Time in Texas! by WS
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

  • Apposite

    "Nothing is often a good thing to do, and always a clever thing to say"
    Will Durant

    I saw your DH Lawerence quote and thought of Durant's. I've never been able to live by it except in moments of discretion.
  • TeeBubbaDee

    Happy Hump Day!

  • cyndromeda

    sorry i flaked out for tonight - i had to pick up tanya from the airport when i got off work...
    now that i have finished cemetery dance, i am already ready for the next book... and it turns out it's less than a month away...
  • Chez moi

  • BlueHera

    Thank you so much, Dazz! Your energy is effusive and contagious!
  • Chez moi


  • Snagg

    Alakazam and Presto. Thine wish fulfilled.
  • Snagg

    Thanks awfully, but do you mind if I keep working with Stephen Hawking's theories? That speech synthesizer of his is the tits! (Plus, I promised him that I'd paint a bitchin' Flame Job on his ride.)
  • Aggie

    Sorry, I must have slept thru it like the great earthquake of 1979. While in Mexico City in 1979 with 43 other Aggies I slept thru the earthquake. My sincere apologies, I need to pay more attention to women.
  • Honey Holiday

  • Maxim Oleksyn

    Sweet! Pull up a chair and join me, would ya?

  • Slayer Dug